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Osmosis Prime Update
Clinician_s Corner How to avoid burnout - Osmosis Prime Update
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Chapter 1
Clinical Reasoning: 1.1–Cardiology
Clinical Reasoning Cardiomyopathy
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Clinical reasoning Coronary artery disease
Clinical Reasoning Heart Failure
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Clinical Reasoning Hypercholesterolemia
Clinical reasoning Hypertension
Clinical Reasoning Infective endocarditis
Clinical Reasoning Pericardial disease
Clinical reasoning Syncope
Clinical Reasoning Valvular heart disease
9 Lessons
Chapter 2
Clinical Reasoning: 1.2–Pulmonology
Clinical Reasoning Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Clinical Reasoning Asthma
Clinical Reasoning Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Clinical Reasoning Diffuse parenchymal lung disease
Clinical Reasoning Lung cancer
Clinical Reasoning Pleural effusion
Clinical Reasoning Pneumonia
Clinical Reasoning Venous thromboembolism
8 Lessons
Chapter 3
Clinical Reasoning: 1.3–HematologyOncology
Clinical Reasoning Anemia
Clinical Reasoning Bleeding disorders
Clinical reasoning Blood products and transfusion
Clinical Reasoning Leukemia
Clinical Reasoning Lymphoma
Clinical Reasoning Myeloproliferative neoplasms
Clinical reasoning Plasma cell disorders
Clinical reasoning Thrombocytopenia
Clinical reasoning Thrombophilia
9 Lessons
Chapter 4
Clinical Reasoning: 1.4–Endocrinology
Clinical Reasoning Adrenal insufficiency
Clinical Reasoning Adrenal masses and tumors
Clinical Reasoning Cushing syndrome
Clinical Reasoning Diabetes mellitus
Clinical Reasoning Hyperthyroidism
Clinical Reasoning Hypopituitarism
Clinical Reasoning Hypothyroidism and thyroiditis
Clinical Reasoning MEN syndromes
Clinical Reasoning Pituitary adenomas and pituitary hyperfunction
Clinical Reasoning Thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer
10 Lessons
Chapter 5
Clinical Reasoning: 1.5–Rheumatology
Clinical Reasoning Inflammatory myopathies
Clinical Reasoning Joint pain
Clinical Reasoning Lupus
Clinical Reasoning Rheumatoid arthritis
Clinical Reasoning Seronegative arthritis
Clinical Reasoning Vasculitis
6 Lessons
Chapter 6
Clinical Reasoning: 1.6–Gastroenterology
Clinical Reasoning Cirrhosis
Clinical Reasoning Colorectal cancer
Clinical Reasoning Diarrhea
Clinical Reasoning Diverticula
Clinical Reasoning Esophageal disorders
Clinical Reasoning Esophagitis
Clinical Reasoning Gallbladder diseases
Clinical Reasoning Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Clinical Reasoning Gastroparesis
Clinical Reasoning GI bleeding
Clinical Reasoning Inflammatory bowel disease
Clinical Reasoning Jaundice
Clinical Reasoning Malabsorption
Clinical Reasoning Pancreatitis
Clinical Reasoning Peptic ulcers and stomach cancer
Clinical Reasoning Viral hepatitis
16 Lessons
Chapter 7
Clinical Reasoning: 1.7–Nephrology
Clinical Reasoning Acute kidney injury
Clinical Reasoning Hyperkalemia
Clinical Reasoning Hypernatremia
Clinical Reasoning Hypokalemia
Clinical Reasoning Hyponatremia
Clinical Reasoning Kidney stones
Clinical Reasoning Metabolic and respiratory acidosis
7 Lessons
Chapter 8
Clinical Reasoning: 2. Neurology
Clinical Reasoning Acute kidney injury
Clinical Reasoning Dementia
Clinical Reasoning Dizziness and vertigo
Clinical Reasoning Headache
Clinical Reasoning Hyperkinetic movement disorders
Clinical Reasoning Hypokinetic movement disorders
Clinical Reasoning Meningitis- encephalitis- and brain abscesses
Clinical Reasoning Stroke
8 Lessons
Chapter 9
Clinical Reasoning: 3. Psychiatry
Clinical Reasoning Dissociative disorders
Clinical Reasoning Mood disorders
Clinical Reasoning Obsessive compulsive disorders
Clinical Reasoning Personality disorders
Clinical Reasoning Psychotic disorders
Clinical Reasoning Sleep disorders
6 Lessons
Chapter 10
Clinical Reasoning: 4. Pediatrics
Clinical Reasoning BRUE ALTE and SIDS
Clinical Reasoning Child abuse
Clinical Reasoning Cystic fibrosis
Clinical Reasoning Kawasaki disease
Clinical Reasoning Pediatric allergies
Clinical Reasoning Pediatric infectious rashes
Clinical Reasoning Pediatric lower airway diseases
Clinical Reasoning Pediatric upper airway conditions
Clinical Reasoning Sickle cell disease
9 Lessons
Chapter 11
Clinical Reasoning: 6. Surgery
Clinical Reasoning Abdominal pain
Clinical Reasoning Appendicitis
Clinical Reasoning Bowel obstruction
Clinical Reasoning Esophageal surgical conditions
Clinical Reasoning Hernias
Clinical Reasoning Postoperative evaluation
6 Lessons
Chapter 12
Clinical Reasoning: 7. Emergency medicine
Clinical Reasoning ACLS
Clinical Reasoning Pneumothorax
Clinical Reasoning Traumatic brain injury
3 Lessons
Chapter 13
Clinical Reasoning: 8. Biostatistics
Hypothesis testing One tailed and two tailed tests
Measures of risk
Odds ratio
Positive and negative predictive value
Sample size
Sensitivity and specificity
Test precision and accuracy
Type I and type II errors
8 Lessons
Chapter 14
Clinical Reasoning: 9. Gynecology
Clinical Reasoning Amenorrhea
Clinical Reasoning Endometrial hyperplasia and cancer
Clinical Reasoning Ovarian cysts- cancer- and other adnexal masses
Menstrual cycle
4 Lessons
Chapter 15
Clinical Reasoning: 10. Obstetrics
Clinical Reasoning Breast cancer
Clinical Reasoning Postpartum hemorrhage
Stages of labor
5 Lessons
Chapter 16
Clinician_s Corner: 1.1 - Professionalism
Clinician_s Corner How to navigate your way in the hospital
1 Lessons
Chapter 17
Clinician_s Corner: 1.2 - Patient care
Clinician_s Corner Do_s and don_ts of patient care
Clinician_s Corner Endocarditis
Clinician_s Corner Helping a patient with a rare disease
Clinician_s Corner Taking a good patient history
4 Lessons
Chapter 18
Clinician_s Corner: 1.3 - Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Clinician_s Corner How to deliver bad news
Clinician_s Corner How to give a good oral presentation
Clinician_s Corner Shared decision making
Clinician_s Corner Tips on empathetic listening for clinicians
Clinician_s Corner Writing a good progress note
5 Lessons
Chapter 19
Clinician_s Corner: 1.4 - WellBeing
Clinician_s Corner How to avoid burnout
1 Lessons
Chapter 20
Clinician_s Corner: 1.5 –Medical business and legal issues
Clinician_s Corner 5 things to know about paying for medical school
Clinician_s Corner Diagnostic errors
2 Lessons
Chapter 21
Clinician_s Corner: 1.6 – How to succeed in medical school
Clinician_s Corner 3 study tips for SHELF exams and USMLE Step 2
Clinician_s Corner 5 steps to acing the USMLE step 1
Clinician_s Corner How to strike a balance in medical school
Clinician_s Corner How to succeed in the NRMP Match
Clinician_s Corner How to tackle your first semester of med school
Third-year medical student explains how to set up an Osmosis Study Schedule
6 Lessons
Chapter 22
Clinician_s Corner: 1.7–Practice based learning and improvement
Clinician_s Corner How to be a Lifelong Learner
1 Lessons
Chapter 23
How to succeed in health professions: 1.1 Retention techniques
Interleaved practice
Memory palaces
Spaced repetition
Testing effect
4 Lessons
Chapter 24
How to succeed in health professions: 1.2 Learning
Adaptive learning
Blended learning
Editing wikipedia articles
Multimedia learning
Problem-based learning
5 Lessons
Chapter 25
How to succeed in health professions: 1.3. Teaching
Adaptive teaching
Writing great answer explanations
Writing great questions
3 Lessons
Chapter 26
How to succeed in health professions: 1.4. Career development and other resources
Osteopathic medicine
Preparing for the MCAT
Preparing to apply to med school
Road to residency
Surviving and thriving in first year
5 Lessons
Chapter 27
Pharmacology: 1.1 - Introduction
Introduction to Pharmacology
1 Lessons
Chapter 28
Pharmacology: 1.2 - Pharmacodynamics
Pharmacodynamics Agonist_ partial agonist_ and antagonist
Pharmacodynamics Desensitization and tolerance
Pharmacodynamics Drug-receptor interactions
3 Lessons
Chapter 29
Pharmacology: 1.3 - Pharmacokinetics
Pharmacokinetics Drug absorption and distribution
Pharmacokinetics Drug Elimination and clearance
Pharmacokinetics Drug metabolism
3 Lessons
Chapter 30
Pharmacology: 2. Cardiovascular
Central anti-adrenergics
Lipid-lowering agents Fibrates
Lipid-lowering agents Statins
Miscellaneous lipid-lowering medications
Peripheral postsynaptic anti-adrenergics Alpha blockers
Peripheral postsynaptic anti-adrenergics Beta blockers
Peripheral presynaptic anti-adrenergics
Positive inotropic medications
Vasodilators Calcium entry blockers
Vasodilators cGMP mediated smooth muscle vasodilators
10 Lessons
Chapter 31
Pharmacology: 3. Endocrine
Adrenal hormone synthesis inhibitors
Hyperthyroidism medications
Hypothyroidism medications
5 Lessons
Chapter 32
Pharmacology: 4. Gastrointestinal
Acid reducing medications
Laxatives and cathartics
3 Lessons
Chapter 33
Pharmacology: 5.1 - Anticoagulants
Anticoagulants Direct coagulation factor inhibitors
Anticoagulants Heparin
Anticoagulants Warfarin
Anti-platelet medications
5 Lessons
Chapter 34
Pharmacology: 5.2 Cancer medications
DNA Alkylating medications
Hematopoietic medications
Microtubule inhibitors
Monoclonal antibodies
Platinum containing medications
Topoisomerase inhibitors
6 Lessons
Chapter 35
Pharmacology: 6.1 - Antibiotics
Cell wall synthesis inhibitors Cephalosporins
Cell wall synthesis inhibitors Penicillins
DNA synthesis inhibitors Metronidazole
Miscellaneous cell wall synthesis inhibitors
Protein synthesis inhibitors Aminoglycosides
Protein synthesis inhibitors Tetracyclines
6 Lessons
Chapter 36
Pharmacology: 6.2 - Antivirals
Herpes medications
Neuraminidase inhibitors
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
4 Lessons
Chapter 37
Pharmacology: 6.3 - Antifungal
Antifungal Echinocandins
Antifungal Imidazoles
Miscellaneous antifungal medications
3 Lessons
Chapter 38
Pharmacology: 6.4 - Antiparasitics
Anthelmintic medications
Anti-mite and louse medications
3 Lessons
Chapter 39
Pharmacology: 7.1–Inflammation
Antigout medications
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Osteoporosis medications 7.1
4 Lessons
Chapter 40
Pharmacology: 7.2–Promoting bone formation
Osteoporosis medications 7.2
1 Lessons
Chapter 41
Pharmacology: 8. 1- Anesthetics and sedatives
Anticonvulsants and anxiolytics Benzodiazepines
General anesthetics
Local anesthetics
3 Lessons
Chapter 42
Pharmacology: 8.2 - By common use
Anti-parkinson medications
Neuromuscular blockers
Nonbenzodiazepine anticonvulsants
3 Lessons
Chapter 43
Pharmacology: 8.3 - By Mechanism
Direct cholinomimetics
Indirect cholinomimetics Anticholinesterases
2 Lessons
Chapter 44
Pharmacology: 9. Psychiatry
Atypical antidepressants
Atypical antipsychotics
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Opioid agonists
Opioid antagonists
Psychomotor stimulants
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
Tricyclic antidepressants
Typical antipsychotics
11 Lessons
Chapter 45
Pharmacology: Asthma and COPD
Bronchodilators Beta 2-agonists and muscarinic antagonists
Bronchodilators Leukotriene antagonists and methylxanthines
Pulmonary corticosteroids and mast cell inhibitors
3 Lessons
Chapter 46
Pharmacology: Diuretics
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
Loop diuretics
Osmotic diuretics
Potassium sparing diuretics
Thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics
5 Lessons