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17Bones of the trunk Kenhub-Bones of the trunk from Kenhub on Vimeo - KenHub Anatomy Course

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Chapter 1

01 Anatomy Basics: 1. Terminology

23 Lessons
Chapter 2

01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 1.Main bones of the upper extremity

5 Lessons
Chapter 3

01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 2. Main bones of the lower extremity

8 Lessons
Chapter 4

01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 3.Main bones of the trunk

8 Lessons
Chapter 5

01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 4. Main bones of the head

13 Lessons
Chapter 6

01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 5. Main joints

6 Lessons
Chapter 7

01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 6. Main muscles of the upper extremity

28 Lessons
Chapter 8

01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 7. Main muscles of the lower extremity

22 Lessons
Chapter 9

01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 8. Main muscles of the trunk

16 Lessons
Chapter 10

01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 9. Main muscles of the head and neck

24 Lessons
Chapter 11

01 Anatomy Basics: 3. First look at the neurovasculature

33 Lessons
Chapter 12

01 Anatomy Basics: 4. First look at the systems- 2. Cardiovascular system

26 Lessons
Chapter 13

01 Anatomy Basics: 4. First look at the systems- 3. Nervous system

10 Lessons
Chapter 14

01 Anatomy Basics: 4. First look at the systems- 5. Respiratory system

3 Lessons
Chapter 15

01 Anatomy Basics: 4. First look at the systems- 6. Digestive system

8 Lessons
Chapter 16

01 Anatomy Basics: 4. First look at the systems- 7.Endocrine system

9 Lessons
Chapter 17

02 Upper Extremity: 1. Shoulder and Arm

5 Lessons
Chapter 18

02 Upper Extremity: 2. Elbow and Forearm

6 Lessons
Chapter 19

02 Upper Extremity: 3. Wrist and Hand

8 Lessons
Chapter 20

02 Upper Extremity: 4. Neurovasculature of the upper limb

4 Lessons
Chapter 21

03 Lower Extremity: 1.Hip and thigh

24 Lessons
Chapter 22

03 Lower Extremity: 2.Knee and leg

16 Lessons
Chapter 23

03 Lower Extremity: 3.Ankle and foot

13 Lessons
Chapter 24

03 Lower Extremity: 4 Neurovasculature of lower limb

4 Lessons
Chapter 25

03 Lower Extremity: Video Functions of the gracilis muscle Kenhub-Functions of the gracilis mus

1 Lessons
Chapter 26

04 Trunk Wall: 1. Vertebral column

5 Lessons
Chapter 27

04 Trunk Wall: 2. Dorsal trunk

7 Lessons
Chapter 28

04 Trunk Wall: 3. Ventral trunk

7 Lessons
Chapter 29

05 Head and Neck: 1. Skull

10 Lessons
Chapter 30

05 Head and Neck: 10. Neurovasculature of head neck

2 Lessons
Chapter 31

05 Head and Neck: 2. Head

6 Lessons
Chapter 32

05 Head and Neck: 3. Orbit and contents

6 Lessons
Chapter 33

05 Head and Neck: 4. Nasal region

4 Lessons
Chapter 34

05 Head and Neck: 5. Ear

2 Lessons
Chapter 35

05 Head and Neck: 6. Teeth

2 Lessons
Chapter 36

05 Head and Neck: 7. Oral Cavity

5 Lessons
Chapter 37

05 Head and Neck: 8. pharynx

4 Lessons
Chapter 38

05 Head and Neck: 9. Neck

5 Lessons
Chapter 39

06 Thorax: 1. Female breast

3 Lessons
Chapter 40

06 Thorax: 2. Mediastinum

2 Lessons
Chapter 41

06 Thorax: 3. Esophagus

3 Lessons
Chapter 42

06 Thorax: 4. Lungs

5 Lessons
Chapter 43

06 Thorax: 5. Heart

10 Lessons
Chapter 44

06 Thorax: 6. Diaphragm

2 Lessons
Chapter 45

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 1. Peritoneal cavity

5 Lessons
Chapter 46

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 10. Pelvis

13 Lessons
Chapter 47

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 11. Urinary bladder

3 Lessons
Chapter 48

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 12. Female reproductive organs

2 Lessons
Chapter 49

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 13. Male reproductive organs

1 Lessons
Chapter 50

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 14. Blood vessels of abdomen pelvis

2 Lessons
Chapter 51

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 15. Lymphatics of the abdomen and the pelvis

2 Lessons
Chapter 52

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 2. Stomach

2 Lessons
Chapter 53

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 3. Spleen

1 Lessons
Chapter 54

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 4. Liver

6 Lessons
Chapter 55

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 5. Pancreas

1 Lessons
Chapter 56

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 6. Small intestine

4 Lessons
Chapter 57

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 7. Large intestine

4 Lessons
Chapter 58

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 8. Kidneys

4 Lessons
Chapter 59

07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 9. Ureter

2 Lessons
Chapter 60

08 Neuroanatomy: 1. Cerebrum

4 Lessons
Chapter 61

08 Neuroanatomy: 2. Subcortical structures

5 Lessons
Chapter 62

08 Neuroanatomy: 3. Cerebellum and brainstem

3 Lessons
Chapter 63

08 Neuroanatomy: 4. Meninges blood vessels of the brain

5 Lessons
Chapter 64

08 Neuroanatomy: 5. Spinal cord

4 Lessons
Chapter 65

08 Neuroanatomy: 6.Pathways of the nervous system

2 Lessons
Chapter 66

08 Neuroanatomy: 7. Cranial nerves

13 Lessons
Chapter 67

09 Cross Sections: 1. Head and neck

4 Lessons
Chapter 68

09 Cross Sections: 2. Upper extremity

5 Lessons
Chapter 69

09 Cross Sections: 3. Thorax

1 Lessons
Chapter 70

09 Cross Sections: 4. Abdomen

2 Lessons
Chapter 71

09 Cross Sections: 5. Male pelvis

1 Lessons
Chapter 72

09 Cross Sections: 6. Lower extremity

2 Lessons
Chapter 73

10 Histology General: 10 Histology General

19 Lessons
Chapter 74

11 Histology Systems: 11 Histology Systems

9 Lessons