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KenHub Anatomy Course
17Bones of the trunk Kenhub-Bones of the trunk from Kenhub on Vimeo - KenHub Anatomy Course
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Chapter 1
01 Anatomy Basics: 1. Terminology
1Directional terms and body planes Kenhub-Directional terms and body p
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2Medial vs Lateral Kenhub-Lateral vs medial from Kenhub on Vimeo
3Distal vs Proximal Kenhub-Distal vs proximal from Kenhub on Vimeo
4Dorsal vs Ventral Kenhub-Dorsal vs Ventral - improvement from Kenhub
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5Rostral vs Caudal Kenhub-Rostral vs caudal from Kenhub on Vimeo
6Cardinal body planes and axes Kenhub-Cardinal body planes and axes fr
7Types of body movements Kenhub-Types of body movements from Kenhub on
8Types of synovial joints Kenhub-Types of synovial joints from Kenhub
9Cavities of the body Kenhub-Cavities of the body from Kenhub on Vimeo
10Female body surface anatomy Kenhub-Female body surface anatomy from K
11Regions of the head and neck Kenhub-Regions of the head and neck from
12Male body surface anatomy Kenhub-Male body surface anatomy from Kenhu
13Fornix Kenhub-Fornix from Kenhub on Vimeo
14Choroid plexus Kenhub-Choroid plexus from Kenhub on Vimeo
15Pineal gland Kenhub-Pineal gland from Kenhub on Vimeo
16Regions of the upper extremity Kenhub-Regions of the upper extremity
17Regions of the lower extremity Kenhub-Regions of the lower extremity
18Regions of the back and buttocks Kenhub-Regions of the back and butto
19Body regions Kenhub-Body regions from Kenhub on Vimeo
20Regions of the thorax and abdomen Kenhub-Regions of the thorax and ab
21Surface anatomy of the abdomen and the lower extremity Kenhub-Surface
22Surface anatomy of the head and neck Kenhub-Surface anatomy of the he
23Surface anatomy of the thorax and upper limb Kenhub-Surface anatomy o
23 Lessons
Chapter 2
01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 1.Main bones of the upper extremity
1Anatomical snuff box
2Humerus Kenhub-Humerus from Kenhub on Vimeo
3Scapula Kenhub-Scapula from Kenhub on Vimeo
4Cubital fossa Kenhub-Cubital fossa from Kenhub on Vimeo
5Bones of the upper extremity Kenhub-Bones of the upper extremity from
5 Lessons
Chapter 3
01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 2. Main bones of the lower extremity
6Bones of the lower extremity Kenhub-Bones of the lower extremity from
7Bones of the pelvis Kenhub-Bones of the pelvis from Kenhub on Vimeo
8What is a ligament Kenhub-What is a ligament from Kenhub on Vimeo
9Joints and blood supply of talus Kenhub-Joints and blood supply of ta
10Cuneiform bones Kenhub-Cuneiform bones from Kenhub on Vimeo
11Fibula Kenhub-Fibula from Kenhub on Vimeo
12Overview of the calcaneus Kenhub-Calcaneus from Kenhub on Vimeo
13Cuboid Kenhub-Cuboid bone from Kenhub on Vimeo
8 Lessons
Chapter 4
01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 3.Main bones of the trunk
14Introduction to the clavicle Kenhub-Clavicle from Kenhub on Vimeo
15Shoulder girdle Kenhub-Shoulder girdle from Kenhub on Vimeo
16Acromioclavicular joint Kenhub-Acromioclavicular joint from Kenhub on
17Bones of the trunk Kenhub-Bones of the trunk from Kenhub on Vimeo
18Thoracic spine Kenhub-Thoracic spine from Kenhub on Vimeo
19Cervical spine Kenhub-Cervical spine from Kenhub on Vimeo
20Lumbar spine Kenhub-Lumbar spine from Kenhub on Vimeo
21Vertebral column Kenhub-Vertebral column from Kenhub on Vimeo
8 Lessons
Chapter 5
01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 4. Main bones of the head
22Overview of the skull bones Kenhub-Bones of the skull from Kenhub on
23Sphenoid bone Kenhub-Sphenoid bone from Kenhub on Vimeo
24Temporal bone introduction Kenhub-Temporal bone introduction from Ken
25Neurocranium Kenhub-Neurocranium from Kenhub on Vimeo
26Viscerocranium Kenhub-Viscerocranium from Kenhub on Vimeo
27Parietal bone Kenhub-Parietal bone from Kenhub on Vimeo
28Soft palate Kenhub-Soft palate from Kenhub on Vimeo
29Hard palate Kenhub-Hard palate from Kenhub on Vimeo
30Lacrimal bone Kenhub-Lacrimal bone from Kenhub on Vimeo
31Nasal bone Kenhub-Nasal bone from Kenhub on Vimeo
32Overview of the ethmoid bone Kenhub-Overview of the ethmoid bone from
33Vomer Kenhub-Vomer from Kenhub on Vimeo
34Bones of the skull Kenhub-Bones of the skull from Kenhub on Vimeo
13 Lessons
Chapter 6
01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 5. Main joints
35Shoulder joint Kenhub-Shoulder Joint from Kenhub on Vimeo
36Elbow joint Kenhub-Elbow joint from Kenhub on Vimeo
37Glenohumeral joint Kenhub-Glenohumeral joint from Kenhub on Vimeo
38Sternoclavicular joint Kenhub-Sternoclavicular joint from Kenhub on V
39Types of joints Kenhub-Types of joints from Kenhub on Vimeo
40Main joints Kenhub-Main joints from Kenhub on Vimeo
6 Lessons
Chapter 7
01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 6. Main muscles of the upper extremity
41Deltoid muscle Kenhub-Deltoid Muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
42Triceps brachii muscle Kenhub-Triceps brachii muscle from Kenhub on V
43Anconeus muscle Kenhub-Anconeus Muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
44Biceps brachii muscle Kenhub-Biceps brachii muscle from Kenhub on Vim
45Coracobrachialis muscle Kenhub-Coracobrachialis muscle from Kenhub on
46Subscapularis muscle Kenhub-Subscapularis muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
47Brachialis muscle Kenhub-Brachialis muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
48Infraspinatus muscle Kenhub-Infraspinatus muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
49Teres major muscle Kenhub-Teres major muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
50Teres minor muscle Kenhub-Teres minor muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
51Functions of the arm muscles Kenhub-Functions of the arm muscles from
52Functions of the shoulder muscles Kenhub-Functions of the shoulder mu
53Lumbrical muscles of the hand Kenhub-Lumbrical muscles of the hand fr
54Palmar interossei muscles Kenhub-Palmar interossei muscles from Kenhu
55Dorsal interossei muscles of the hand Kenhub-Dorsal interossei muscle
56Flexor digitorum profundus muscle Kenhub-Flexor digitorum profundus m
57Flexor pollicis longus muscle Kenhub-Flexor pollicis longus muscle fr
58Pronator quadratus muscle Kenhub-Pronator quadratus muscle from Kenhu
59Supinator muscle Kenhub-Supinator muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
60Abductor pollicis longus muscle Kenhub-Abductor pollicis longus muscl
61Extensor pollicis brevis muscle Kenhub-Extensor pollicis brevis muscl
62Extensor indicis muscle Kenhub-Extensor indicis muscle from Kenhub on
63Abductor pollicis brevis muscle Kenhub-Abductor pollicis brevis muscl
64Adductor pollicis muscle Kenhub-Adductor pollicis muscle from Kenhub
65Flexor pollicis brevis muscle Kenhub-Flexor pollicis brevis muscle fr
66Main muscles of the upper extremity Kenhub-Main muscles of the upper
67Introduction to the muscular system Kenhub-Introduction to the muscul
68Origin vs insertion Kenhub-Origin vs insertion from Kenhub on Vimeo
28 Lessons
Chapter 8
01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 7. Main muscles of the lower extremity
69Sartorius muscle Kenhub-Sartorius muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
70Quadriceps femoris muscle Kenhub-Quadriceps femoris muscle from Kenhu
71Psoas major Kenhub-Psoas major muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
72Iliopsoas muscle Kenhub-Iliopsoas muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
73Psoas minor Kenhub-Psoas minor muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
74Gluteus maximus muscle Kenhub-Gluteus maximus muscle from Kenhub on V
75Tibialis anterior muscle Kenhub-Tibialis anterior muscle from Kenhub
76Gluteus medius muscle Kenhub-Gluteus medius muscle from Kenhub on Vim
77Pectineus muscle Kenhub-Pectineus muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
78Gluteus minimus muscle Kenhub-Gluteus minimus muscle from Kenhub on V
79Adductor magnus muscle Kenhub-Adductor magnus muscle from Kenhub on V
80Adductor longus muscle Kenhub-Adductor longus muscle from Kenhub on V
81Extensor digitorum longus muscle Kenhub-Extensor digitorum longus mus
82Extensor hallucis longus muscle Kenhub-Extensor hallucis longus muscl
83Gracilis muscle Kenhub-Gracilis muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
84Popliteus muscle Kenhub-Popliteus muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
85Adductor brevis muscle Kenhub-Adductor brevis muscle from Kenhub on V
86Hip adductors Kenhub-Hip adductors from Kenhub on Vimeo
87Lumbrical muscles of the foot Kenhub-Lumbrical muscles of the foot fr
88Overview of the muscles of lower limb Kenhub-Main muscles of the lowe
89How are muscles named Kenhub-How are muscles named from Kenhub on Vim
90Main muscles of the lower extremity Kenhub-Main muscles of the lower
22 Lessons
Chapter 9
01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 8. Main muscles of the trunk
91Trapezius muscle Kenhub-Trapezius muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
92Serratus anterior muscle Kenhub-Serratus anterior muscle from Kenhub
93Pectoralis major muscle
94Intercostal muscles Kenhub-Intercostal muscles from Kenhub on Vimeo
95Pectoral muscles Kenhub-Pectoral muscles from Kenhub on Vimeo
96Levator ani muscle Kenhub-Levator ani muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
97Subclavius muscle Kenhub-Subclavius muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
98Diaphragm Kenhub-Diaphragm from Kenhub on Vimeo
99Rectus abdominis muscle Kenhub-Rectus abdominis muscle from Kenhub on
100Pyramidalis muscle Kenhub-Pyramidalis muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
101Transversus abdominis muscle Kenhub-Transversus abdominis muscle from
102Serratus posterior superior muscle Kenhub-Serratus posterior superior
103Serratus posterior inferior muscle Kenhub-Serratus posterior inferior
104Muscles of the trunk Kenhub-Muscles of the trunk from Kenhub on Vimeo
105Main muscles of the trunk Kenhub-Main muscles of the trunk from Kenhu
106Muscles of the shoulder girdle Kenhub-Muscles of the shoulder girdle
16 Lessons
Chapter 10
01 Anatomy Basics: 2. First look at bones and muscles - 9. Main muscles of the head and neck
1Masseter muscle Kenhub-Masseter muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Temporal muscle Kenhub-Temporalis muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
3Lateral pterygoid muscle Kenhub-Lateral pterygoid muscle from Kenhub
4Medial pterygoid muscle Kenhub-Medial pterygoid muscle from Kenhub on
5Sternocleidomastoid muscle Kenhub-Sternocleidomastoid muscle from Ken
6Thyroid cartilage Kenhub-Thyroid cartilage from Kenhub on Vimeo
7Cricoid cartilage Kenhub-Cricoid cartilage from Kenhub on Vimeo
8Omohyoid muscle Kenhub-Omohyoid muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
9Sternothyroid muscle Kenhub-Sternothyroid muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
10Thyrohyoid muscle Kenhub-Thyrohyoid muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
11Sternohyoid muscle Kenhub-Sternohyoid muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
12Digastric muscle Kenhub-Digastric muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
13Mylohyoid muscle Kenhub-Mylohyoid muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
14Geniohyoid muscle Kenhub-Geniohyoid muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
15Stylohyoid muscle Kenhub-Stylohyoid muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
16Overview of the Scalene Muscles Kenhub-Overview of scalene muscles fr
17Platysma Kenhub-Platysma from Kenhub on Vimeo
18Lateral rectus muscle Kenhub-Lateral rectus muscle from Kenhub on Vim
19Medial rectus muscle Kenhub-Medial rectus muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
20Inferior rectus muscle Kenhub-Inferior rectus muscle from Kenhub on V
21Inferior oblique muscle Kenhub-Inferior oblique muscle from Kenhub on
22Main muscles of the head and neck Kenhub-Main muscles of the head and
23Superior rectus muscle Kenhub-Superior rectus muscle from Kenhub on V
24Superior oblique muscle Kenhub-Superior oblique muscle from Kenhub on
24 Lessons
Chapter 11
01 Anatomy Basics: 3. First look at the neurovasculature
1Axillary artery Kenhub-Axillary artery from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Arteries of the upper limb Kenhub-Arteries of the upper limb from Ken
3Arteries of lower extremity Kenhub-Arteries of the lower extremity fr
4What is an artery Kenhub-What is an artery from Kenhub on Vimeo
5What is a vein Kenhub-What is a vein from Kenhub on Vimeo
6Arteries of abdomen and pelvis Kenhub-Arteries of the abdomen and pel
7Arteries of the thorax Kenhub-Arteries of the thorax from Kenhub on V
8Main arteries of the trunk from Ken
9Arteries of the head and neck Kenhub-Arteries of the head and neck fr
10Main veins of the upper and lower extremities Kenhub-Main veins of th
11Veins of the lower limb Kenhub-Veins of the lower limb from Kenhub on
12Veins of the thorax Kenhub-Veins of the thorax from Kenhub on Vimeo
13Veins of abdomen and pelvis Kenhub-Veins of the abdomen and pelvis fr
14Main veins of the trunk Kenhub-Main veins of the trunk from Kenhub on
15Superior sagittal sinus Kenhub-Superior sagittal sinus from Kenhub on
16Inferior sagittal sinus Kenhub-Inferior sagittal sinus from Kenhub on
17Straight sinus Kenhub-Straight sinus from Kenhub on Vimeo
18Main veins of the head and neck Kenhub-Main veins of the head and nec
19Petrosal sinuses
20Occipital sinus Kenhub-Occipital sinus from Kenhub on Vimeo
21Transverse sinus Kenhub-Transverse sinus from Kenhub on Vimeo
22Cavernous sinus Kenhub-Cavernous sinus from Kenhub on Vimeo
22Main nerves of the upper extremity Kenhub-Main nerves of the upper ex
23Median nerve Kenhub-Median nerve from Kenhub on Vimeo
24Radial nerve Kenhub-Radial nerve from Kenhub on Vimeo
25Musculocutaneous nerve Kenhub-Musculocutaneous nerve from Kenhub on V
26What is a nerve Kenhub-What is a nerve from Kenhub on Vimeo
28Main nerves of the lower extremity Kenhub-Main nerves of the lower ex
28Sciatic nerve Kenhub-Sciatic nerve from Kenhub on Vimeo
30Ilioinguinal nerve Kenhub-Ilioinguinal nerve from Kenhub on Vimeo
31Iliohypogastric nerve Kenhub-Iliohypogastric nerve from Kenhub on Vim
32Main nerves of the trunk Kenhub-Main nerves of the trunk from Kenhub
33Main nerves of the head and neck Kenhub-Main nerves of the head and n
33 Lessons
Chapter 12
01 Anatomy Basics: 4. First look at the systems- 2. Cardiovascular system
1Types of bones Kenhub-Types of bones from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Bones of the head and neck Kenhub-Bones of the head and neck from Ken
3What is cartilage Kenhub-What is cartilage from Kenhub on Vimeo
4Skeletal system Kenhub-Skeletal system from Kenhub on Vimeo
5Thoracic aorta Kenhub-Thoracic aorta from Kenhub on Vimeo
6Mitral valve Kenhub-Mitral valve from Kenhub on Vimeo
7Tricuspid valve Kenhub-Tricuspid valve from Kenhub on Vimeo
8Left and right pulmonary veins Kenhub-Left and right pulmonary veins
9Myocardium Kenhub-Myocardium from Kenhub on Vimeo
10Aortic arch Kenhub-Aortic arch from Kenhub on Vimeo
11Right atrium Kenhub-Right atrium from Kenhub on Vimeo
12Epicardium Kenhub-Epicardium from Kenhub on Vimeo
13Abdominal aorta Kenhub-Abdominal aorta from Kenhub on Vimeo
14Left atrium Kenhub-Left atrium from Kenhub on Vimeo
15Pulmonary arteries Kenhub-Pulmonary arteries from Kenhub on Vimeo
16Right ventricle Kenhub-Right ventricle from Kenhub on Vimeo
16zLeft ventricle Kenhub-Left ventricle from Kenhub on Vimeo
17Inferior vena cava Kenhub-Inferior vena cava from Kenhub on Vimeo
18aSuperior vena cava Kenhub-Superior vena cava from Kenhub on Vimeo
18Circulatory system Kenhub-Circulatory system from Kenhub on Vimeo
19Pericardium Kenhub-Pericardium from Kenhub on Vimeo
20Left coronary artery Kenhub-Left coronary artery from Kenhub on Vimeo
21Right coronary artery Kenhub-Right coronary artery from Kenhub on Vim
22Veins of the upper limb Kenhub-Veins of the upper limb from Kenhub on
23Arteries of the cardiovascular system Kenhub-Arteries of the cardiova
24Veins of the cardiovascular system Kenhub-Veins of the cardiovascular
26 Lessons
Chapter 13
01 Anatomy Basics: 4. First look at the systems- 3. Nervous system
25Falx cerebri Kenhub-Falx cerebri from Kenhub on Vimeo
26Tentorium cerebelli Kenhub-Tentorium cerebelli from Kenhub on Vimeo
27Arachnoid mater Kenhub-Arachnoid mater from Kenhub on Vimeo
28Dura mater Kenhub-Dura mater from Kenhub on Vimeo
29Pia mater Kenhub-Pia mater from Kenhub on Vimeo
30Peripheral nervous system Kenhub-Peripheral nervous system from Kenhu
31What is a ganglion Kenhub-What is a ganglion from Kenhub on Vimeo
32What is a nerve plexus Kenhub-What is a nerve plexus from Kenhub on V
33What is the nervous system Kenhub-What is the nervous system from Ken
34Nervous system Kenhub-Nervous system from Kenhub on Vimeo
10 Lessons
Chapter 14
01 Anatomy Basics: 4. First look at the systems- 5. Respiratory system
35Lungs Kenhub-Lungs from Kenhub on Vimeo
36Respiratory system Kenhub-Respiratory system from Kenhub on Vimeo
37Organs of the respiratory system Kenhub-Organs of the respiratory tra
3 Lessons
Chapter 15
01 Anatomy Basics: 4. First look at the systems- 6. Digestive system
38Parotid gland Kenhub-Parotid gland from Kenhub on Vimeo
39Esophagus Kenhub-Esophagus from Kenhub on Vimeo
40Gallbladder Kenhub-Gallbladder from Kenhub on Vimeo
41Ischiorectal fossa Kenhub-Ischiorectal fossa from Kenhub on Vimeo
42Rectouterine pouch Kenhub-Rectouterine pouch from Kenhub on Vimeo
43Rectovesical pouch Kenhub-Rectovesical pouch from Kenhub on Vimeo
44Organs of the digestive system Kenhub-Organs of the digestive system
45Digestive system Kenhub-Digestive system from Kenhub on Vimeo
8 Lessons
Chapter 16
01 Anatomy Basics: 4. First look at the systems- 7.Endocrine system
46What is a gland Kenhub-What is a gland from Kenhub on Vimeo
47Endocrine system Kenhub-Endocrine System from Kenhub on Vimeo
48Prostate Kenhub-Prostate from Kenhub on Vimeo
49Reproductive system Kenhub-Reproductive system from Kenhub on Vimeo
50Urinary system Kenhub-Urinary system from Kenhub on Vimeo
51What is an organ Kenhub-What is an organ from Kenhub on Vimeo
52Integumentary system Kenhub-Integumentary system from Kenhub on Vimeo
53Introduction to the lymphatic system Kenhub-Introduction to the lymph
54Introduction to lymph nodes Kenhub-Introduction to lymph nodes from K
9 Lessons
Chapter 17
02 Upper Extremity: 1. Shoulder and Arm
1. Humerus and Scapula Kenhub-Humerus and scapula - improvement from Ken
2. Muscles of Arm and Shoulder Kenhub-Muscles of the upper arm and shoul
3. Muscles of the Arm Kenhub-Muscles of the arm from Kenhub on Vimeo
4. Muscles of the shoulder Kenhub-Muscles of the shoulder from Kenhub on
5. Rotator cuff muscles Kenhub-Rotator cuff muscles from Kenhub on Vimeo
5 Lessons
Chapter 18
02 Upper Extremity: 2. Elbow and Forearm
1. Radius and Ulna Kenhub-Radius and ulna from Kenhub on Vimeo
2. Anterior compartment forearm muscles Kenhub-Anterior compartment fore
3. Radial Forearm Muscles Kenhub-Radial muscles of the forearm from Kenh
4. Superficial extensors of the forearm Kenhub-Superficial extensors of
5. Deep extensors of the forearm Kenhub-Deep extensors of the forearm fr
6.Posterior compartment of forearm muscles Kenhub-Posterior compartment
6 Lessons
Chapter 19
02 Upper Extremity: 3. Wrist and Hand
1. Bones of the Hand Kenhub-Bones of the hand from Kenhub on Vimeo
2. Carpal bones Kenhub-Carpal bones from Kenhub on Vimeo
3.Metacarpal bones Kenhub-Metacarpal bones from Kenhub on Vimeo
4. Phalanges of the Hand Kenhub-Phalanges of the hand from Kenhub on Vim
5. Thenar muscles Kenhub-Thenar muscles from Kenhub on Vimeo
6. Hypothenar muscles Kenhub-Hypothenar muscles from Kenhub on Vimeo
7. Metacarpal muscles Kenhub-Metacarpal muscles from Kenhub on Vimeo
8. Muscles of the hand Kenhub-Muscles of the hand from Kenhub on Vimeo
8 Lessons
Chapter 20
02 Upper Extremity: 4. Neurovasculature of the upper limb
1. Neurovasculature of upper arm Kenhub-Neurovasculature of the upper ar
2. Brachial plexus Kenhub-Brachial plexus from Kenhub on Vimeo
3. Neurovasculature of elbow and forearm Kenhub-Neurovasculature of the
4. Neurovasculature of the hand Kenhub-Neurovasculature of the hand from
4 Lessons
Chapter 21
03 Lower Extremity: 1.Hip and thigh
1.Hip bone and Femur Kenhub-Hip bone and femur from Kenhub on Vimeo
2.Femur Kenhub-Femur from Kenhub on Vimeo
3.Hip joint Kenhub-Hip joint from Kenhub on Vimeo
4.Inner hip muscles Kenhub-Inner hip muscles from Kenhub on Vimeo
5.Muscles of the Hip and Thigh Kenhub-Muscles of the hip and thigh from
6.0Gluteal muscles Kenhub-Gluteal muscles from Kenhub on Vimeo
6.1.Anterior thigh muscles Kenhub-Anterior thigh muscles from Kenhub on V
7. Posterior thigh muscles Kenhub-Posterior thigh muscles from Kenhub on
8.Adductors of the thigh Kenhub-Adductors of the thigh from Kenhub on V
9Functions of sartorius muscle Kenhub-Functions of the sartorius muscl
9Functions of the semitendinosus muscle Kenhub-Functions of the semite
10 Functions of the vastus intermedius muscle Kenhub-Functions of the va
11Functions of the vastus lateralis muscle Kenhub-Functions of the vast
12 Functions of the vastus medialis muscle Kenhub-Functions of the vastu
13 Functions of the rectus femoris muscle Kenhub-Functions of the rectus
14 Functions of the pectineus muscle Kenhub-Functions of the pectineus m
15Functions of the semimembranosus muscle Kenhub-Functions of the semim
16 Functions of the biceps femoris muscle Kenhub-Functions of the biceps
17Functions of the adductor longus muscle Kenhub-Functions of the adduc
18 Functions of the adductor brevis muscle Kenhub-Functions of the adduc
20Functions of the adductor magnus muscle Kenhub-Functions of the adduc
21.0Functions of the gracilis muscle Kenhub-Functions of the gracilis mus (1)
21Functions of the adductor minimus muscle Kenhub-Functions of the addu
22 Adductor canal Kenhub-Adductor canal from Kenhub on Vimeo
24 Lessons
Chapter 22
03 Lower Extremity: 2.Knee and leg
1Bones and ligaments of the leg Kenhub-Bones and ligaments of the knee
2 Anterior and lateral muscles of the leg Kenhub-Anterior and lateral m
3 Posterior muscles of the leg Kenhub-Posterior muscles of the leg from
4Muscles of the leg Kenhub-Muscles of the lower leg and knee from Kenh
5Functions of the popliteus muscle Kenhub-Functions of the popliteus m
6Functions of the tibialis posterior muscle Kenhub-Functions of the ti
7 Functions of the fibularis longus muscle Kenhub-Functions of the fibu
8 Functions of the gastrocnemius muscle Kenhub-Functions of the gastroc
9Functions of the soleus muscle Kenhub-Functions of the soleus muscle
10 Functions of the plantaris muscle Kenhub-Functions of the plantaris m
11Functions of the fibularis brevis muscle Kenhub-Functions of the fibu
12 Functions of the flexor hallucis longus muscle Kenhub-Functions of th
13Functions of the tibialis anterior muscle Kenhub-Functions of the tib
14Functions of the flexor digitorum longus muscle Kenhub-Functions of t
15Functions of the extensor digitorum longus muscle Kenhub-Functions of
16Functions of the extensor hallucis longus muscle Kenhub-Functions of
16 Lessons
Chapter 23
03 Lower Extremity: 3.Ankle and foot
1Bones of the foot Kenhub-Bones and ligaments of the foot from Kenhub
2Ankle joint Kenhub-Ankle joint from Kenhub on Vimeo
3Calcaneus Kenhub-Calcaneus from Kenhub on Vimeo
4 Talus Kenhub-Talus from Kenhub on Vimeo
5Muscles of the dorsum of the foot Kenhub-Muscles of the dorsum of the
6Medial muscles of the sole of the foot Kenhub-Medial muscles of sole
7Central muscles of the sole of the foot Kenhub-Central muscles of sol
8Lateral muscles of the sole of the foot Kenhub-Lateral muscles of the
9Muscles of the foot Kenhub-Muscles of the foot from Kenhub on Vimeo
10Functions of the dorsal muscles of the foot Kenhub-Functions of the d
12Functions of the medial plantar muscles Kenhub-Functions of the media
13Functions of the lateral plantar muscles of the foot Kenhub-Functions
14Functions of the central plantar muscles of the foot Kenhub-Functions
13 Lessons
Chapter 24
03 Lower Extremity: 4 Neurovasculature of lower limb
1Neurovasculature of the hip and thigh Kenhub-Neurovasculature of the
2Femoral artery and its branches Kenhub-Femoral artery and its branche
3Neurovasculature of the lower leg and knee Kenhub-Neurovasculature of
4Arteries and nerves of the foot Kenhub-Arteries and nerves of the foo
4 Lessons
Chapter 25
03 Lower Extremity: Video Functions of the gracilis muscle Kenhub-Functions of the gracilis mus
1 Lessons
Chapter 26
04 Trunk Wall: 1. Vertebral column
1Cervical spine Kenhub-Cervical spine from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Thoracic and Lumbar spines Kenhub-Thoracic and lumbar spines from Ken
3Sacrum and coccyx Kenhub-Sacrum and coccyx from Kenhub on Vimeo
4Craniovertebral ligaments Kenhub-Craniovertebral ligaments from Kenhu
5Veins of the vertebral column Kenhub-Veins of the vertebral column fr
5 Lessons
Chapter 27
04 Trunk Wall: 2. Dorsal trunk
1Bones of the dorsal trunk Kenhub-Bones of the dorsal trunk from Kenhu
2Costovertebral joints Kenhub-Costovertebral joints from Kenhub on Vim
3Neurovasculature of dorsal trunk and neck Kenhub-Neurovasculature of
4Superficial back muscles Kenhub-Superficial back muscles from Kenhub
5Suboccipital muscles Kenhub-Suboccipital muscles from Kenhub on Vimeo
6Intrinsic muscles of the back lateral tract Kenhub-Intrinsic muscles
7 Intrinsic muscles of the back medial tract Kenhub-Intrinsic muscles o
7 Lessons
Chapter 28
04 Trunk Wall: 3. Ventral trunk
Video Bones of the ventral trunk Kenhub-Bones of the ventral trunk from Ken
Video Clavicle Kenhub-Clavicle from Kenhub on Vimeo
Video Inguinal canal Kenhub-Inguinal canal from Kenhub on Vimeo
Video Muscles of the ventral trunk Kenhub-Muscles of the ventral trunk from
Video Neurovasculature of the ventral trunk Kenhub-Neurovasculature of the
Video Ribs Kenhub-Ribs from Kenhub on Vimeo
Video Sternum Kenhub-Sternum from Kenhub on Vimeo
7 Lessons
Chapter 29
05 Head and Neck: 1. Skull
1 Anterior and lateral views of the Skull Kenhub-Anterior and lateral v
2Posterior and lateral views of the skull Kenhub-Posterior and lateral
3Calvaria Kenhub-Calvaria from Kenhub on Vimeo
4Inferior view of base of the skull Kenhub-Inferior view of the base o
5Superior view of base of the skull Kenhub-Superior view of the base o
6Midsagittal skull Kenhub-Midsagittal skull from Kenhub on Vimeo
7Ethmoid bone Kenhub-Ethmoid bone from Kenhub on Vimeo
8Sphenoid bone Kenhub-Sphenoid bone from Kenhub on Vimeo
9Temporal bone Kenhub-Temporal bone from Kenhub on Vimeo
10Mandible Kenhub-Mandible from Kenhub on Vimeo
10 Lessons
Chapter 30
05 Head and Neck: 10. Neurovasculature of head neck
1Cervical plexus Kenhub-Cervical plexus from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Neurovasculature and lymph nodes of the neck Kenhub-Neurovasculature
2 Lessons
Chapter 31
05 Head and Neck: 2. Head
1Salivary glands Kenhub-Salivary glands from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Muscles of facial expression Kenhub-Muscles of facial expression - im
3 Muscles of Mastication Kenhub-Muscles of mastication from Kenhub on V
4Superficial blood vessels of the head Kenhub-Superficial blood vessel
5Superficial nerves of the head Kenhub-Superficial nerves of the head
6Maxillary artery Kenhub-Maxillary artery from Kenhub on Vimeo
6 Lessons
Chapter 32
05 Head and Neck: 3. Orbit and contents
1Muscles of the orbit Kenhub-Muscles of the orbit from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Blood vessels of the orbit Kenhub-Blood vessels of the orbit from Ken
3 Nerves of the orbit Kenhub-Nerves of the orbit from Kenhub on Vimeo
4Eyeball Kenhub-Eyeball from Kenhub on Vimeo
5 Lens and corpus ciliare Kenhub-Lens and corpus ciliare from Kenhub on
6 Blood vessels of the eyeball Kenhub-Blood vessels of the eyeball from
6 Lessons
Chapter 33
05 Head and Neck: 4. Nasal region
1 Lateral wall of nasal cavity Kenhub-Lateral wall of the nasal cavity
2 Medial wall of the nasal cavity Kenhub-Medial wall of the nasal cavit
3Blood vessels of nasal cavity Kenhub-Blood vessels of the nasal cavit
4Nerves of the nasal cavity Kenhub-Nerves of the nasal cavity from Ken
4 Lessons
Chapter 34
05 Head and Neck: 5. Ear
1Outer ear and auditory tube Kenhub-Outer ear and auditory tube from K
2Labyrinth Kenhub-Labyrinth from Kenhub on Vimeo
2 Lessons
Chapter 35
05 Head and Neck: 6. Teeth
1 Teeth Kenhub-Teeth from Kenhub on Vimeo
2 Anatomy of the tooth Kenhub-Anatomy of the tooth from Kenhub on Vimeo
2 Lessons
Chapter 36
05 Head and Neck: 7. Oral Cavity
1 Overview of the oral cavity Kenhub-Overview of the oral cavity from K
2Structure of the tongue Kenhub-Structure of the tongue from Kenhub on
3Muscles of the tongue Kenhub-Muscles of the tongue from Kenhub on Vim
4 Neurovasculature of the tongue Kenhub-Neurovasculature of the tongue
5Lingual papillae Kenhub-Lingual papillae from Kenhub on Vimeo
5 Lessons
Chapter 37
05 Head and Neck: 8. pharynx
1Muscles of the pharynx Kenhub-Muscles of the pharynx from Kenhub on V
2Pharyngeal mucosa Kenhub-Pharyngeal mucosa from Kenhub on Vimeo
3Blood vessels of the parapharyngeal space Kenhub-Blood vessels of the
4Nerves of the parapharyngeal space Kenhub-Nerves of the parapharyngea
4 Lessons
Chapter 38
05 Head and Neck: 9. Neck
1 Larynx Kenhub-Membranes ligaments and muscles of the larynx from Ken
2Muscles of the anterior neck Kenhub-Muscles of the anterior neck from
4Infrahyoid muscles Kenhub-Infrahyoid muscles from Kenhub on Vimeo
5Suprahyoid muscles Kenhub-Suprahyoid muscles from Kenhub on Vimeo
6Triangles of the neck Kenhub-Triangles of the neck from Kenhub on Vim
5 Lessons
Chapter 39
06 Thorax: 1. Female breast
1Female breast structure Kenhub-Female breast structure from Kenhub on
2Blood vessels of female breast Kenhub-Blood vessels of the female bre
3Lymphatics of the female breast Kenhub-Lymphatics of the female breas
3 Lessons
Chapter 40
06 Thorax: 2. Mediastinum
1Mediastinum Kenhub-Mediastinum from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Lymphatics of the mediastinum Kenhub-Lymphatics of the mediastinum fr
2 Lessons
Chapter 41
06 Thorax: 3. Esophagus
1Esophagus in situ Kenhub-Esophagus in situ from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Blood supply of the esophagus Kenhub-Blood supply of the esophagus fr
3Nerves of the esophagus Kenhub-Nerves of the esophagus from Kenhub on
3 Lessons
Chapter 42
06 Thorax: 4. Lungs
1Lungs in situ Kenhub-Lungs in situ from Kenhub on Vimeo
2 Medial view of the Lungs Kenhub-Medial views of the lungs from Kenhub
3Lateral view of the Lungs Kenhub-Lateral views of the lungs from Kenh
4Trachea Kenhub-Trachea from Kenhub on Vimeo
5Lymphatics of the lungs Kenhub-Lymphatics of the lungs from Kenhub on
5 Lessons
Chapter 43
06 Thorax: 5. Heart
1 Heart in situ Kenhub-Heart in situ from Kenhub on Vimeo
10 Lymphatics of the heart Kenhub-Lymphatics of the heart from Kenhub on
2Anterior view of the Heart Kenhub-Anterior view of the heart from Ken
3Posteroinferior view of the Heart Kenhub-Posteroinferior view of the
4Right atrium and ventricle Kenhub-Right atrium and ventricle from Ken
5Left atrium and ventricle Kenhub-Left atrium and ventricle from Kenhu
6Heart valves Kenhub-Heart valves from Kenhub on Vimeo
7Coronary arteries and cardiac veins Kenhub-Coronary arteries and card
8ectopic left main coronary artery Kenhub-Clinical cases - Long e
9Innervation of the heart Kenhub-Innervation of the heart from Kenhub
10 Lessons
Chapter 44
06 Thorax: 6. Diaphragm
1.Thoracic surface of the diaphragm Kenhub-Thoracic surface of the diap
2. Abdominal surface of the diaphragm Kenhub-Abdominal surface of the di
2 Lessons
Chapter 45
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 1. Peritoneal cavity
1Greater omentum Kenhub-Greater omentum from Kenhub on Vimeo
2 Mesentery Kenhub-Mesentery from Kenhub on Vimeo
3Peritoneal relations Kenhub-Peritoneal relations from Kenhub on Vimeo
4 Omental bursa Kenhub-Omental bursa from Kenhub on Vimeo
5Retroperitoneum Kenhub-Retroperitoneum from Kenhub on Vimeo
5 Lessons
Chapter 46
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 10. Pelvis
1Muscles of the pelvic floor Kenhub-Muscles of the pelvic floor from K
2Superior view of the female pelvis Kenhub-Superior view of the female
3 Female pelvic viscera and perineum Kenhub-Female pelvic viscera and p
4Uterus Kenhub-Uterus from Kenhub on Vimeo
5Vesicouterine pouch Kenhub-Vesicouterine pouch from Kenhub on Vimeo
6 Male pelvic viscera and perineum Kenhub-Male pelvic viscera and perin
7Blood vessels of female pelvis Kenhub-Blood vessels of the female pel
8Blood vessels of male pelvis Kenhub-Blood vessels of the male pelvis
9 Nerves of the female pelvis Kenhub-Nerves of the female pelvis from K
10 Nerves of male pelvis Kenhub-Nerves of male pelvis from Kenhub on Vim
11 Lumbar plexus made easy
12 Sacral plexus
13 Neurovasculature of the female perineum Kenhub-Neurovasculature of th
13 Lessons
Chapter 47
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 11. Urinary bladder
1Female urinary bladder Kenhub-Female urinary bladder from Kenhub on V
2Urinary bladder Kenhub-Urinary bladder from Kenhub on Vimeo
3Male urinary bladder Kenhub-Male urinary bladder from Kenhub on Vimeo
3 Lessons
Chapter 48
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 12. Female reproductive organs
1 Uterus and ovaries Kenhub-Uterus and ovaries from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Uterus and vagina Kenhub-Uterus and vagina from Kenhub on Vimeo
2 Lessons
Chapter 49
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 13. Male reproductive organs
1Penis and male urethra Kenhub-Penis and male urethra from Kenhub on V
1 Lessons
Chapter 50
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 14. Blood vessels of abdomen pelvis
1 Arteries of the large intestine Kenhub-Arteries of the large intestin
2Hepatic portal vein Kenhub-Hepatic portal vein from Kenhub on Vimeo
2 Lessons
Chapter 51
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 15. Lymphatics of the abdomen and the pelvis
1Lymphatics of stomach and liver
2Lymphatics of pancreas duodenum and spleen Kenhub-Lymphatics of the
2 Lessons
Chapter 52
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 2. Stomach
1Stomach in situ Kenhub-Stomach in situ from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Stomach mucosa and muscle layers Kenhub-Stomach mucosa and muscle lay
2 Lessons
Chapter 53
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 3. Spleen
1 Lessons
Chapter 54
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 4. Liver
1Liver in situ Kenhub-Liver in situ from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Anterior view of the liver Kenhub-Anterior view of the liver from Ken
3Inferior view of the liver Kenhub-Inferior view of the liver from Ken
4Posterior view of the liver Kenhub-Posterior view of the liver from K (1)
5Galbladder in situ Kenhub-Gallbladder in situ from Kenhub on Vimeo
Posterior view of the liver
6 Lessons
Chapter 55
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 5. Pancreas
1Pancreas in situ Kenhub-Pancreas in situ from Kenhub on Vimeo
1 Lessons
Chapter 56
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 6. Small intestine
1Duodenum Kenhub-Duodenum from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Arteries of the small intestine Kenhub-Arteries of the small intestin
3 Innervation of the small intestine Kenhub-Innervation of the small in
4Lymph nodes of the small intestine Kenhub-Lymph nodes of the small in
4 Lessons
Chapter 57
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 7. Large intestine
1Large intestine Kenhub-Large intestine from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Rectum and anal canal Kenhub-Rectum and anal canal from Kenhub on Vim
3Arteries of stomach liver and spleen Kenhub-Arteries of the stomach
4Blood vessels of the rectum Kenhub-Blood vessels of the rectum from K
4 Lessons
Chapter 58
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 8. Kidneys
1Kidneys in situ Kenhub-Kidneys in situ from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Kidney structure Kenhub-Structure of the kidney from Kenhub on Vimeo
3Renal cortex Kenhub-Renal cortex from Kenhub on Vimeo
4Renal arteries Kenhub-Renal arteries from Kenhub on Vimeo
4 Lessons
Chapter 59
07 Abdomen and Pelvis: 9. Ureter
1Ureters in situ
5Ureters Kenhub-Ureters from Kenhub on Vimeo
2 Lessons
Chapter 60
08 Neuroanatomy: 1. Cerebrum
1 Lateral views of the brain Kenhub-Lateral view of the brain from Kenh
2 Medial view of the brain Kenhub-Medial view of the brain from Kenhub
3 Basal view of the brain Kenhub-Basal view of the brain from Kenhub on
4 Motor and sensory cortical homunculus Kenhub-Motor and sensory cortic
4 Lessons
Chapter 61
08 Neuroanatomy: 2. Subcortical structures
1 Thalamus Kenhub-Thalamus from Kenhub on Vimeo
2 Hippocampus and fornix Kenhub-Hippocampus and fornix from Kenhub on V
3 Thalamic nuclei Kenhub-Thalamic nuclei from Kenhub on Vimeo
4 Ventricles of the brain Kenhub-Ventricles of the brain from Kenhub on
5 Horizontal section of the brain Kenhub-Horizontal section of the brai
5 Lessons
Chapter 62
08 Neuroanatomy: 3. Cerebellum and brainstem
1 Cerebellum Kenhub-Cerebellum from Kenhub on Vimeo
2 Brainstem Kenhub-Brainstem from Kenhub on Vimeo
3 Cranial nerve nuclei Kenhub-Cranial nerve nuclei from Kenhub on Vimeo
3 Lessons
Chapter 63
08 Neuroanatomy: 4. Meninges blood vessels of the brain
1 Arteries of the brain Kenhub-Arteries of the brain from Kenhub on Vim
2 Arteries of the brain II Kenhub-Arteries of the brain - basal view fr
3 Superficial veins of the brain Kenhub-Superficial veins of the brain
4 Meninges of the brain Kenhub-Meninges of the brain from Kenhub on Vim
5 Dural venous sinuses Kenhub-Dural venous sinuses from Kenhub on Vimeo
5 Lessons
Chapter 64
08 Neuroanatomy: 5. Spinal cord
1 Spinal cord in situ Kenhub-Spinal cord in situ from Kenhub on Vimeo
2 Structure of spinal cord Kenhub-Structure of the spinal cord from Ken
3 Spinal membranes and nerve roots Kenhub-Spinal membranes and nerve ro
4 Blood vessels of the spinal cord Kenhub-Blood vessels of the spinal c
4 Lessons
Chapter 65
08 Neuroanatomy: 6.Pathways of the nervous system
1 Pyramidal tracts Kenhub-Pyramidal tracts from Kenhub on Vimeo
2 Taste pathway Kenhub-Taste pathway from Kenhub on Vimeo
2 Lessons
Chapter 66
08 Neuroanatomy: 7. Cranial nerves
1 Cranial nerves Kenhub-Cranial nerves from Kenhub on Vimeo
I Olfactory nerve Kenhub-Olfactory nerve from Kenhub on Vimeo
II Optic nerve Kenhub-Optic nerve from Kenhub on Vimeo
III Oculomotor trochlear and abducens nerves Kenhub-Oculomotor trochlea
V-A Ophthalmic nerve Kenhub-Ophthalmic nerve from Kenhub on Vimeo
V-B Maxillary nerve Kenhub-Maxillary nerve from Kenhub on Vimeo
V-C Mandibular nerve Kenhub-Mandibular nerve from Kenhub on Vimeo
VII Facial nerve Kenhub-Facial nerve from Kenhub on Vimeo
VIII Vestibulocochlear nerve Kenhub-Vestibulocochlear nerve from Kenhub on
IX Glossopharyngeal nerve Kenhub-Glossopharyngeal nerve from Kenhub on V
X Vagus nerve Kenhub-Vagus nerve from Kenhub on Vimeo
XI Accessory nerve Kenhub-Accessory nerve from Kenhub on Vimeo
XII Hypoglossal nerve Kenhub-Hypoglossal nerve from Kenhub on Vimeo
13 Lessons
Chapter 67
09 Cross Sections: 1. Head and neck
1Superior sagittal sinus level Kenhub-Cross section at the superior sa
2Frontal sinus level Kenhub-Cross section at the frontal sinus level f
3Thalamus Level Kenhub-Thalamus level from Kenhub on Vimeo
4 Tongue level Kenhub-Tongue level from Kenhub on Vimeo
4 Lessons
Chapter 68
09 Cross Sections: 2. Upper extremity
1Shoulder level Kenhub-Cross section of upper extremity - shoulder fro
2Coracobrachialis muscle level Kenhub-Cross section at coracobrachiali
3 Arm level Kenhub-Cross section of upper extremity - arm from Kenhub o
4Forearm level Kenhub-Cross section of upper extremity - forearm from
5Wrist and hand level Kenhub-Cross section of upper extremity - wrist
5 Lessons
Chapter 69
09 Cross Sections: 3. Thorax
1. 3rd Thoracic Vertebra Level Kenhub-3rd thoracic vertebra level from K
1 Lessons
Chapter 70
09 Cross Sections: 4. Abdomen
1. 11th Thoracic vertebra level Kenhub-11th Thoracic vertebra level from
2. 4th lumbar vertebra level Kenhub-Cross section at 4th lumbar vertebra
2 Lessons
Chapter 71
09 Cross Sections: 5. Male pelvis
Urinary bladder level Kenhub-Cross section at urinary bladder level f
1 Lessons
Chapter 72
09 Cross Sections: 6. Lower extremity
1 Quadratus femoris muscle level Kenhub-Cross-sections at the quadratus
2 Gracilis muscle level Kenhub-Gracilis muscle level from Kenhub on Vim
2 Lessons
Chapter 73
10 Histology General: 10 Histology General
1 Cells and tissues Kenhub-Cells and tissues from Kenhub on Vimeo
2 Basic histological staining methods Kenhub-Basic histological stainin
3 How to examine histology slides Kenhub-How to examine histology slide
4 Simple epithelium Kenhub-Simple epithelium from Kenhub on Vimeo
5 Bone tissue formation Kenhub-Bone tissue formation from Kenhub on Vim
6 Intraepithelial glands Kenhub-Intraepithelial glands from Kenhub on V
7 Loose connective tissue Kenhub-Loose connective tissue from Kenhub on
8 Dense connective tissue Kenhub-Dense connective tissue from Kenhub on
9 Reticular connective tissue Kenhub-Reticular connective tissue from K
10 Neurons Kenhub-Neurons from Kenhub on Vimeo
11 Peripheral nerves Kenhub-Peripheral nerves (histology) from Kenhub on
12 Ganglia of the nervous system Kenhub-Ganglia of the nervous system fr
13 Skeletal muscle tissue Kenhub-Skeletal muscle tissue from Kenhub on V
14 Smooth muscle Kenhub-Smooth muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
15 Cardiac muscle Kenhub-Cardiac muscle from Kenhub on Vimeo
16 Fibrocartilage Kenhub-Fibrocartilage from Kenhub on Vimeo
17 Hyaline cartilage Kenhub-Hyaline cartilage from Kenhub on Vimeo
18 Elastic cartilage Kenhub-Elastic cartilage from Kenhub on Vimeo
19 Bone tissue Kenhub-Bone tissue from Kenhub on Vimeo
19 Lessons
Chapter 74
11 Histology Systems: 11 Histology Systems
1Blood Kenhub-Blood from Kenhub on Vimeo
2Bone marrow Kenhub-Bone marrow from Kenhub on Vimeo
3Arteries and veins Kenhub-Arteries and veins histology from Kenhub on
4Heart Kenhub-Heart histology from Kenhub on Vimeo
5Skin Kenhub-Skin (histology) from Kenhub on Vimeo
6Sweat glands Kenhub-Sweat glands from Kenhub on Vimeo
7 Peripheral mechanoreceptors Kenhub-Peripheral mechanoreceptors from K
8 Scalp and hair Kenhub-Scalp and hair histology from Kenhub on Vimeo
9Lung Kenhub-Lung histology from Kenhub on Vimeo
9 Lessons