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Kaplan High Yield Step 1
Cannabis Use Disorder - Kaplan High Yield Step 1
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Chapter 1
General Principles - Behavioral Medicine and Ethics: Anxiety Disorders OCD and PTSD
Anxiety Disorders Workbook Review
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Anxiety Disorders
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
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Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders
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Panic Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder
Specific Phobias
Trauma- and Stress-Related Disorders
9 Lessons
Chapter 2
General Principles - Behavioral Medicine and Ethics: Child and Adolescent Development
Child and Adolescent Development Workbook Review
Developmental Milestones
Newborn Assesment
Sexual Dysfunction
Stress and BMI
Tanner Stages of Development
6 Lessons
Chapter 3
General Principles - Behavioral Medicine and Ethics: Childhood and Pervasive Disorders
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Child Neglect and Abuse
Childhood and Pervasive Disorders Workbook Review
Disruptive Impulse-Control and Conduct Disorders
Infant Deprivation
Rett_s Disorder
Separation Anxiety Disorder
8 Lessons
Chapter 4
General Principles - Behavioral Medicine and Ethics: Ethics
Advance Directives
Decision-Making Capacity
Ethical and Legal Issues
Ethics Concerning Minors
Ethics Workbook Review
Informed Consent
Patient Confidentiality
Physicians_ Ethics
Surrogate Decisions
10 Lessons
Chapter 5
General Principles - Behavioral Medicine and Ethics: Feeding and Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
Bulimia Nervosa
Eating Disorders Workbook Review
Feeding and Eating Disorders
5 Lessons
Chapter 6
General Principles - Behavioral Medicine and Ethics: Geriatric Health and Grief
Changes in the Elderly
Drug Metabolism in the Elderly
Geriatric Health and Grief Workbook Review
4 Lessons
Chapter 7
General Principles - Behavioral Medicine and Ethics: Introduction to Psychiatric Disorders
Cognitive Disorders
Defense Mechanisms
DSM Axes
Intellectual Development Disorder
Introduction to Psychiatric Disorders Workbook Review
Neurotransmitter Changes in Selected CNS Disorders
Psychiatriac Illness Etiology
8 Lessons
Chapter 8
General Principles - Behavioral Medicine and Ethics: Mood Disorders
Atypical Depression
Bipolar Disorders
Clinical Correlate- Major Depression
Depressive Disorders
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Electroconvulsive Therapy
Mood Disorder- Introduction
Mood Disorders Workbook Review
Mood Stabilizers
Postpartum Depressive Disorders
Premenstrual Dysmorphic Disorder
12 Lessons
Chapter 9
General Principles - Behavioral Medicine and Ethics: Paraphilias and Paraphilic Disorders
Gender Dysphoria
Gender Identity and Sexual Preference
Paraphilias and Paraphilic Disorders
Sexual Disorders Workbook Review
Sexual Disorders
5 Lessons
Chapter 10
General Principles - Behavioral Medicine and Ethics: Personaolity Disorders
Personality Disorders- General Concepts
Personality Disorders Workbook Review
Personality Disorders
3 Lessons
Chapter 11
General Principles - Behavioral Medicine and Ethics: Schizophrenia and Dissociative Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Psychosis and Hallucination
Schizophrenia and Dissociative Disorders Workbook Review
Schizophrenia Management
6 Lessons
Chapter 12
General Principles - Behavioral Medicine and Ethics: Sleep and Sleep Disorders
Sleep and Sleep Disorders Workbook Review
Sleep Disorders
Sleep Physiology
3 Lessons
Chapter 13
General Principles - Behavioral Medicine and Ethics: Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
Factitious Disorders
Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
Somatoform Disorders Workbook Review
6 Lessons
Chapter 14
General Principles - Behavioral Medicine and Ethics: Substrance Related and Addictive Disorders
Alcohol Use Disorder
Cannabis Use Disorder
Clinical Video- Alcohol Withdrawal
Inhalant Use Disorder
Opioid Use Disorder
Other (or Unknown) Substance Use Disorder
Other Hallucinogen Use Disorder
Phencyclidine Use Disorder
Sedative Hypnotic or Anxiolytic Use Disorder
Stimulant Use Disorder
Substance Abuse Workbook Review
Substance Use Disorder Management
Substance Use Disorder
Tobacco Use Disorder
14 Lessons
Chapter 15
General Principles - Biochemistry: Amino Acid Metabolism
Amino Acid Metabolism Workbook Review
Amino Group Removal for Elimination
Animation- Heme Synthesis
Genetic Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism
Heme Iron and Bilirubin Metabolism
S-Adenosylmethionine Folate and B12 Metabolism
6 Lessons
Chapter 16
General Principles - Biochemistry: Genetic Diseases
Autosomal Dominant Diseases
Autosomal Recessive Diseases
Autosomal Trisomies
Chromosomal Abnormalities
Clinical Correlate- Cystic Fibrosis
Clinical Correlate- Li Fraumeni Syndrome
Clinical Video- Marfan Syndrome
Genetic Diseases Workbook Review
Medical Genetics Workbook Review
Microdeletion Syndromes
Trinucleotide Repeat Expansion Diseases
X-linked Inheritance
12 Lessons
Chapter 17
General Principles - Biochemistry: Lipid Metabolism
Animation- Fatty Acid Oxidation
Animation- Lipoprotein Metabolism
Animation- The HMP Shunt
Cholesterol Metabolism
Clinical Correlate- Abetalipoproteinemia
Fatty Acid Biosynthesis and Storage
Hyper and Hypolipidemias
Ketone Body Metabolism
Lipid Metabolism Workbook Review
Lipid Mobilization and Fatty Acid Oxidation
Lipoprotein Metabolism
Sphingolipids and Disorders of Sphingolipid Catabolism
12 Lessons
Chapter 18
General Principles - Biochemistry: Medical Genetics
Factors Affecting Genotype and Allele Frequencies
Factors Influencing Phenotypic Expression in Single Gene Diseases
Medical Genetics Basic Definitions
Modes of Inheritance
4 Lessons
Chapter 19
General Principles - Biochemistry: Molecular Biology I
Cellular Organelles and Disorders
Clinical Correlate- HNPCC
Collagen Synthesis and Disorders
DNA Repair
DNA Replication
DNA Structure and Organization
DNA Transcription the Genetic Code and Mutations
DNA Translation
Molecular Biology I Workbook Review
Post-translational Modification
10 Lessons
Chapter 20
General Principles - Biochemistry: Molecular Biology II
DNA Libraries Gene Cloning and Applications
Genetic Analysis Techniques and Applications
Molecular Biology II Workbook Review
Recombinant DNA
Regulation of DNA Transcription
5 Lessons
Chapter 21
General Principles - Biochemistry: Overview of Metabolis- CHO
Galactose and Fructose Metabolism
Glycogen Synthesis Breakdown and Glycogen Storage Diseases
HMP Shunt G6PDH Deficiency and Alcohol Metabolism
Introduction to Carbohydrate Metabolism
Overview of Energy and Carbohydrate Metabolism Workbook Review
Overview of Energy Metabolism
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase and Deficiency
TCA Cycle and the ETC
10 Lessons
Chapter 22
General Principles - Biochemistry: Purines and Pyrimidines
Nucleotide Synthesis and Function
Purine De Novo Synthesis and Salvage Pathways
Purines and Pyrimidines Workbook Review
Pyrimidine Synthesis and OTC Deficiency
4 Lessons
Chapter 23
General Principles - Biochemistry: Signal Transduction Systems Vitamins
Animation- Signal Transduction
Animation- Vitamin K
Hormones and Signal Transduction
Signal Transduction Systems and Vitamins Workbook Review
Vitamin Function and Deficiency
5 Lessons
Chapter 24
General Principles - Epidemiology and Biostatistics: Biostatistics
Biostatistics Workbook Review
Disease Prevention
Hypothesis Testing
Making Decisions Using p-Values (Type I and Type II Errors)
Medicare and Medicaid
Reportable Diseases and Leading Causes of Death
Statistical Testing
8 Lessons
Chapter 25
General Principles - Epidemiology and Biostatistics: Epidemiology
Clinical Trials
Epidemiology Introduction
Epidemiology Workbook Review
Incidence and Prevalence
Observational Studies
Precision and Accuracy
Quantifying Risk
Screening Results
Types of Bias in Research
10 Lessons
Chapter 26
General Principles - Immunology Hematology Oncology: Antineoplastic and Antimetabolite Drugs
Antineoplastic and Antimetabolite Drugs Workbook Review
Antineoplastic Drugs
2 Lessons
Chapter 27
General Principles - Immunology Hematology Oncology: Blood Cells and Lymphoid Structures
Animation- Acute Inflammation
Blood Cells and Lymphoid Structures Workbook Review
Immune System Cells
Lymphoid Tissue and the lymphatics
4 Lessons
Chapter 28
General Principles - Immunology Hematology Oncology: Coagulation and Platelet Disorders
Anticoagulants Thrombolytics and Antiplatelets
Coagulation and Platelet Disorders Workbook Review
Disorders of Platelets and Coagulation
Lab Tests of the Coagulation System
4 Lessons
Chapter 29
General Principles - Immunology Hematology Oncology: DNA Replication and Repair
DNA Replication and Repair Workbook Review
DNA Structure
Purines and Pyrimidines
3 Lessons
Chapter 30
General Principles - Immunology Hematology Oncology: Hemolytic Anemia and Pathologic Red Blood Cell Forms
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Characteristics of hemolytic anemia
Clinical Correlate Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
Clinical Correlate- Sickle Cell Disease
G6PD Deficiency
Hemolysis Due To Infections
Hemolytic Anemia and Pathologic Red Blood Cell Forms Workbook Review
Hereditary Spherocytosis
Microangiopathic Anemia
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
Red Blood Cell Morphology
Sickle Cell and HbC Diseases
13 Lessons
Chapter 31
General Principles - Immunology Hematology Oncology: Immune Hypersensitivity
Autoimmune Diseases
Hypersensitivity Reactions
Immune Hypersensitivity Workbook Review
Microbial Antigens
4 Lessons
Chapter 32
General Principles - Immunology Hematology Oncology: Immunodeficiency and Organ Transplant
B and T cell Disorders
Clinical Correlate- DiGeorge Syndrome
Clinical Correlate- Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
Immunodeficiency and Organ Transplant Workbook Review
Immunosuppressant Agents
Organ Transplant and Rejection
Phagocyte Disorders
Therapeutic Antibodies
8 Lessons
Chapter 33
General Principles - Immunology Hematology Oncology: Leukemia and Myeloproliferative Disorders
Histiocytosis X
Leukemia and Myeloproliferative Disorders Workbook Review
Myeloproliferative Disorders
Oncogenic Microbes
5 Lessons
Chapter 34
General Principles - Immunology Hematology Oncology: Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma
Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma Workbook Review
Multiple Myeloma and other B cell disorders
3 Lessons
Chapter 35
General Principles - Immunology Hematology Oncology: Nonhemolytic Anemia and Porphyria
Classification of Anemia
Clinical Correlate- Pernicious Anemia
Heme Synthesis and Disorders
Macrocytic anemia
Microcytic anemia
Nonhemolytic Anemia and Porphyria Workbook Review
Normocytic anemia
Red Blood Cell Characteristics
8 Lessons
Chapter 36
General Principles - Immunology Hematology Oncology: T-cell and B-cell Function
Animation- Presentation of Antigen
Antigen Presentation
Clinical Correlate- Complement Deficiency
Regulation of the Immune Response
T Cell and B Cell Function Workbook Review
T-cell and B-cell Function
6 Lessons
Chapter 37
General Principles - Immunology Hematology Oncology: The Normal Coagulation Cascade and Platelet Plug
Animation- Hemostasis
Clinical Correlate- Factor V Leiden Thrombophilia
Platelet Function and Disorders
The Coagulation Cascade
The Normal Coagulation Cascade and Platelet Plug Workbook Review
5 Lessons
Chapter 38
General Principles - Infectious Disease: Antibacterials
Antibacterials Workbook Review
Antimicrobials- Introduction
Anti-TB Drugs
Cell Wall Inhibitors
Fluorquinolones and Metronidazole
Folic Acid Synthesis Inhibitors
Mechanisms of Bacterial Drug Resistance
Protein Synthesis Inhibitors
9 Lessons
Chapter 39
General Principles - Infectious Disease: DNA Viruses
DNA Viruses Workbook Review
DNA Viruses
Hepadnavirus and Adenovirus
Herpes Viruses
Mulluscum Contagniosum
Papillomavirus Polymavirus Poxvirus
Patterns of Viral Infections
Viral Replication
Viral Structure
11 Lessons
Chapter 40
General Principles - Infectious Disease: Gram Negatives
Coccobacilli- H influenzae B pertussis Brucella
Gram Negative Cocci- Neisseria and Moraxella
Gram-Negatives Workbook Review
Introduction to Gram Negatives
Lactose Fermenting Bacteria
Non-Lactose Fermenting- Proteus Salmonella Shigella
Other Gram Negative Rods
7 Lessons
Chapter 41
General Principles - Infectious Disease: Gram Postives
Gram Positive Bacteria
Gram Positive Rods
Gram-Positives Workbook Review
5 Lessons
Chapter 42
General Principles - Infectious Disease: Infectious Diseases
Gastrointestinal infections
Infectious Diseases Workbook Review
Introduction to infectious diseases
Musculoskeletal Infections
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Upper respiratory tract infections
Urinary tract infections
9 Lessons
Chapter 43
General Principles - Infectious Disease: Introduction to Bacteriology
Bacterial cell cycle
Bacterial genetics
Bacterial Structure
Endo and exotoxins
Introduction to Bacteriology Workbook Review
5 Lessons
Chapter 44
General Principles - Infectious Disease: Mycology
Cutaneous Mycosis
Fungi- Forms and General Characteristics
Mycology Workbook Review
Opportunistic Fungi
Sporotrichosis Lymphangitis
Systemic Mycosis
9 Lessons
Chapter 45
General Principles - Infectious Disease: Non-Gram Staining Bugs
Clinical Correlate- Lyme Disease
Clinical Correlate- Tuberculin Skin Test
Non-Gram Staining Organisms Workbook Review
Obligate Intracellular
Zoonotic Diseases
8 Lessons
Chapter 46
General Principles - Infectious Disease: Other Antibiotics
Antibiotics Contraindicated in Pregnancy
Other Antibiotics Workbook Review
6 Lessons
Chapter 47
General Principles - Infectious Disease: Parasitology
Helminths- Classification
Hematologic Parasite Infections
Parasites- Characteristics
Parasitic Infections of the GI Tract
Parasitology Workbook Review
Visceral Parasite Infections
11 Lessons
Chapter 48
General Principles - Infectious Disease: RNA Viruses
Prion diseases
Rash Producing Viruses
RNA Viruses Characteristics
RNA Viruses Workbook Review
ToRCHeS Infections
13 Lessons
Chapter 49
General Principles - Pharmacology: Medications and Side Effects
Adverse drug effects by system
Alcohol Metabolism
Clinical Correlate- Common OTC Drug Overdose
Clinical Correlate- Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Clinical Correlate- Serotonin Syndrome
Common drug name endings
Commonly Tested Antidotes
Cytochrome P-450 interactions
Sulfa drugs
Toxicology and Adverse Effects of Medications Workbook Review
10 Lessons
Chapter 50
General Principles - Pharmacology: Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics
Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics Workbook Review
3 Lessons
Chapter 51
General Principles - Pharmacology: Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Autonomic Nervous System Physiology
Cholinergic Drugs
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems Workbook Review
Sympathomimetics- Direct and Indirect
5 Lessons
Chapter 52
Organ Systems - Cardiology: Arrhythmias
Arrhythmias Workbook Review
Class I antiarrhithmics
Class II antiarrhythmics
Class III antiarrhythmics
Class IV antiarrhythmics
Introduction to antiarrhythmics
Other Antiarrhythmics
Types of arrhythmias
8 Lessons
Chapter 53
Organ Systems - Cardiology: Atherosclerosis
Anatomy of the Heart and Mediastinum
Aneurysms and Aortic Dissections
Animation- Atherosclerosis
Atheromatous plaque
Atherosclerosis Workbook Review
Ischemic heart disease
6 Lessons
Chapter 54
Organ Systems - Cardiology: Cardiac Electrophysiology
Animation- Cardiac Action Potential
Cardiac action potential
Cardiac Electrophysiology Workbook Review
ECG basics
4 Lessons
Chapter 55
Organ Systems - Cardiology: Cardiac Output
Adrenergic receptors
Cardiac muscle mechanics
Cardiac output determinants
Cardiac output Workbook Review
Introduction to Cardiovascular system
Peripheral circulation
6 Lessons
Chapter 56
Organ Systems - Cardiology: Congenital Heart Disease
Animation- Septation of the Heart Tube
Atrial septum formation and defects
Congenital heart disease associations
Congenital heart disease classification
Congenital Heart Disease Workbook Review
Eisenmenger_s syndrome
Endocardial Cushion defects
Fetal circulation
Heart Embryology
Listen - PDA machine-like murmur - 2LICS
Listen - PDA machine-like murmur - 2RICS
Listen - PDA machine-like murmur - 4LICS
Listen - PDA machine-like murmur - Apex
13 Lessons
Chapter 57
Organ Systems - Cardiology: Congestive Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies
Animation- Congestive Heart Failure
Cardiac glycosides
Cardiac tamponade
Clinical Correlate- Congestive Heart Failure
Clinical Correlate- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Clinical Video- Jugular Venous Distension
Clinical Video- Pitting Edema
Clinical Video- Wet Crackles - CHF
Congestive Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies Workbook Review
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Heart failure
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
13 Lessons
Chapter 58
Organ Systems - Cardiology: Heart Sounds
Aortic regurgitation
Aortic stenosis
Auscultating the normal heart sounds
Auscultation of heart murmurs
Extra heart sounds- S3 and S4 (continued)
Extra heart sounds- S3 and S4 (continued)1
Extra heart sounds- S3 and S4
Heart Sounds- Intro
Heart Sounds Workbook Review
Listen to Aortic Regurgitation - 2LICS
Listen to Aortic Regurgitation - 2RICS
Listen to Aortic Regurgitation - 4LICS
Listen to Aortic Regurgitation - Apex
Listen to Aortic Stenosis - 2LICS
Listen to Aortic Stenosis - 2RICS
Listen to Aortic Stenosis - 4LICS
Listen to Aortic Stenosis - Apex
Listen to Mitral Regurgitation - 2LICS
Listen to Mitral Regurgitation - 2RICS
Listen to Mitral Regurgitation - 4LICS
Listen to Mitral Regurgitation - Apex
Listen to Mitral Stenosis - 2LICS
Listen to Mitral Stenosis - 2RICS
Listen to Mitral Stenosis - 4LICS
Listen to Mitral Stenosis - Apex
Listen to MVP - 2LICS
Listen to MVP - 2RICS
Listen to MVP - 4LICS
Listen to MVP - Apex
Listen to Normal Splitting of S2 - 2LICS
Listen to Normal Splitting of S2 - 2RICS
Listen to Normal Splitting of S2 - 4LICS
Listen to Normal Splitting of S2 - Apex
Listen to PDA - 2LICS
Listen to PDA - 2RICS
Listen to PDA - 4LICS
Listen to PDA - Apex
Listen to S3 - 2LICS
Listen to S3 - 2RICS
Listen to S3 - 4LICS
Listen to S3 - Apex
Listen to S4 - 2LICS
Listen to S4 - 2RICS
Listen to S4 - 4LICS
Listen to S4 - Apex
Listen to VSD - 2LICS
Listen to VSD - 2RICS
Listen to VSD - 4LICS
Listen to VSD - Apex
Mitral stenosis
Mitral valve prolapse
Systolic Heart Sounds (continued)
Systolic Heart Sounds
55 Lessons
Chapter 59
Organ Systems - Cardiology: Hypertension
Animation- Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System
Antihypertensive drugs
Clinical Video- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Effects of HTN on arterioles
Hypertension- Renal Artery Stenosis
Hyptertension Workbook Review
Introduction to Hypertension
LVH is a long-term consequences of HTN
10 Lessons
Chapter 60
Organ Systems - Cardiology: Infection related Heart Disease
Bacterial endocarditis
Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD)
Clinical Correlate- Rheumatic Fever
Gram positive bacteria
HACEK- culture-negative endocarditis
Infection-related Heart Disease Workbook Review
Rheumatic Heart Disease
SLE endocarditis
Staphylococcus aureus
Syphilis and heart disease
Tests with Gram (+) cocci- Catalase and Coagulase- 2
Tricuspid vs. mitral valve involvement in endocarditis
14 Lessons
Chapter 61
Organ Systems - Cardiology: Ischemic Heart Disease
Antianginal Drugs
Ischemic Heart Disease Workbook Review
Ischemic heart disease
Post-MI complications
5 Lessons
Chapter 62
Organ Systems - Cardiology: Lipid Metabolism
Biochemical basics of lipid metabolism
Introduction to lipid metabolism
Lipid Metabolism Workbook Review
7 Lessons
Chapter 63
Organ Systems - Cardiology: Regulation of Blood Flow and Fluid Exchange
Catheterization of the heart
Regulation of Blood Flow and Fluid Exchange Workbook Review
Regulation of blood flow
5 Lessons
Chapter 64
Organ Systems - Cardiology: The Cardiac Cycle
Animation- Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac Cycle and Atrial Tracing
Cardiac Cycle Workbook Review
Pressure volume loop
Regulation of blood flow and pressure
5 Lessons
Chapter 65
Organ Systems - Cardiology: Vasculitis and Cardiovascular Tumors
Buerger_s disease
Clinical Video- Raynaud_s Phenomenon
Henoch-Schonlein purpura and IgA nephropathy
Kawasaki disease
Other ANCA-associated vasculitides
Polyarteritis nodosa
Raynaud disease
Sturge-Weber disease
Takayasu_s arteritis
Temporal arteritis
Turner syndrome and cystic hygroma
Varicose veins
Vascular tumors
Vasculitis and Cardiovascular Tumors Workbook Review
Wegener_s granulomatosis
18 Lessons
Chapter 66
Organ Systems - Endocrinology: Adrenals
Adrenal Gland Anatomy
Animation- Biosynthesis of Adrenal Steroid Hormones
Carcinoid Syndrome
Cortisol Physiology
Hyper- and Hypocortisolism
Multiple endocrine Neoplasia Syndromes
Steroid Hormone Synthesis and Deficiencies
Steroids and Catecholamines Workbook Review
Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome
12 Lessons
Chapter 67
Organ Systems - Endocrinology: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
Antidiuretic Hormone
Clinical Correlate- SIADH
Clinical Video- Hypercalcemia - Face
Clinical Video- Hypercalcemia - Hands
Diabetes Insipidus
Growth Hormone and Acromegaly
Hypothalamus and Pituitary- Anatomy and Hormones
Hypothalmic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Workbook Review
Pituitary Adenomas
Pituitary Gland
Sheehan Syndrome
14 Lessons
Chapter 68
Organ Systems - Endocrinology: Pancreas and Diabetes
Acute Complications of Diabetes
Chronic Complications of Diabetes
Clinical Correlate- Acute Hyperglycemic Complications of Diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus
Diagnosis and Treatment of Diabetes
Endocrine Pancreas
Functional Anatomy of the Pancreas
Gestational Diabetes
Pancreas and Diabetes Workbook Review
10 Lessons
Chapter 69
Organ Systems - Endocrinology: Parathyroids and Calcium Homeostasis
Parathyroid Gland Development
Parathyroids and Calcium Homeostasis
Parathyroids and Calcium Homeostasis
Parathyroids and Calcium Homeostasis
6 Lessons
Chapter 70
Organ Systems - Endocrinology: Thyriod
Clinical Video- Multinodluar Goiter
Clinical Video- Thyroid Bruit
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
Thyroid Carcinomas
Thyroid Hormones
Thyroid Workbook Review
8 Lessons
Chapter 71
Organ Systems - Gastroenterology: Anatomy Histology and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology of the Large Intestines and Anus
Anatomy and Physiology of the Small Intestines
Anatomy and Physiology of the Stomach
Anatomy Histology and Physiology Workbook Review
Animation- Gastric Secretions
Diaphragmatic Inguinal and Femoral Hernias
Esophageal Anatomy and Physiology
Gastrointestinal Hormones
GI Tract Anatomy and Physiology Basics
Hepatobiliary Anatomy and Physiology
Pancreatic Anatomy and Physiology
Salivary Gland Anatomy and Physiology
Small Intestinal Digestion and Absorption
13 Lessons
Chapter 72
Organ Systems - Gastroenterology: Colonic Neoplastic Diseases
1 Lessons
Chapter 73
Organ Systems - Gastroenterology: Embryology and Associated Disorders
Congenital Abnormalities of the GI Tract
Early Mesenteric and Visceral Development
Embryology and Associated Disorders Workbook Review
Embryology of the Pancreas and Spleen
Hepatobiliary Embryology
Primitive Gut Tube
6 Lessons
Chapter 74
Organ Systems - Gastroenterology: Gastrointestinal Pathology
Animation- Barrett_s Esophagus
Carcinoid Tumors and Syndrome
Commonly Used GI Tract Drugs
Esophageal Diseases
Gastric Carcinoma
Gastrointestinal Pathology Workbook Review
Hypertrophic Gastropathy and Gastritis
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Ischemic Bowel Disease
Miscellaneous Intestinal Diseases
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Salivary Gland Pathology
Small Intestine Malabsorption Syndromes
Small Intestine Obstructive Diseases
14 Lessons
Chapter 75
Organ Systems - Gastroenterology: Liver and Pancreas Pathology
Alcoholic Liver Disease
Clinical Correlate- Pancreatitis
Clinical Correlate- Reye Syndrome
Clinical Video- Ascites
Diseases Causing Jaundice
Hemodynamic Liver Diseases
Hepatic Cirrhosis
Liver and Pancreas Pathology Workbook Review
Liver Tumors
Metabolic Liver Diseases
Pancreatic Cancer
13 Lessons
Chapter 76
Organ Systems - Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue: Anatomy and Physiology of Muscles and Ligaments
Anatomy and injuries of the elbow
Anatomy and injuries of the knee
Anatomy and Physiology Workbook Review
Anatomy of the hand
Animation- Neuromuscular Junction
Muscle cell histology and physiology
Shoulder girdle muscles
7 Lessons
Chapter 77
Organ Systems - Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue: Arthritis
Arthritis Workbook Review
Clinical Correlate- Crystal-Induced Monoarthropathies
Gout and pseudogout
Infectious arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Seronegative arthritis
Treatments for arthritis
8 Lessons
Chapter 78
Organ Systems - Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue: Autoimmune and Connective Tissue
Clinical Correlate- Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Disease Summary
Diseases Workbook Review
Myasthenia gravis and Lambert-Eaton syndrome
Myositis disorders
Sjogren_s and Sicca syndrome
Systemic lupus erythematosus
TNF alpha inhibitors
10 Lessons
Chapter 79
Organ Systems - Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue: Dermatology
Basic dermatological terms
Cancers of the skin
Dermatology Workbook Review
Diseases of the skin
Epidermis and the basement membrane
5 Lessons
Chapter 80
Organ Systems - Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue: Disorders of the Bones
Bone histology
Clinical Correlate- Osteoporosis
Diseases of the bone
Disorders of the Bones Workbook Review
Tumors of the bone
5 Lessons
Chapter 81
Organ Systems - Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue: Innervation of the Extremities
Animation- Brachial Plexus Anatomy
Animation- Brachial Plexus Lesions
Brachial Plexus
Innervation of the Extremities Workbook Review
Lower limb innervation and injuries
Upper limb innervation
Upper limb nerve injuries
7 Lessons
Chapter 82
Organ Systems - Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue: Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue
Innervation of the Extremities - Lower limb innervation and injuries
1 Lessons
Chapter 83
Organ Systems - Nephrology: Anatomy and Physiology
Clinical Video- Renal Artery Bruit
Renal Anatomy and Physiology Basics
Renal Anatomy and Physiology Workbook Review
Renal Congenital Abnormalities
Renal Embryology
5 Lessons
Chapter 84
Organ Systems - Nephrology: Diuretics
Animation- Diuretics
Diuretics Workbook Review
3 Lessons
Chapter 85
Organ Systems - Nephrology: Electrolytes and Acid Base Disorders
Animation- Renal Tubular Acidosis
Dynamics of Protein Mediated Transport
Electrolytes and Acid-Base Disorders Workbook Review
Nephron Tubular Regional Physiology
Nephron Tubular Secretion
Renal Acid-Base Regulation
Renal Electrolyte Regulation
Renal Endocrinology
Renal Tubular Acidosis
9 Lessons
Chapter 86
Organ Systems - Nephrology: Pathology- Stones Cancers and Hereditary Disorders
Acute and Chronic Renal Failure
Cystic Diseases of the Kidney
Diseases of the Tubules and Interstitium
Stones Cancers and Hereditary Disorders Workbook Review
Tumors of the Kidney
6 Lessons
Chapter 87
Organ Systems - Nephrology: Pathophysiology- Nephritic and Nephrotic Syndromes
Clinical Correlate- Goodpasture Syndrome
Nephritic and Nephrotic Syndromes Workbook Review
Primary Glomerulopathies (Nephritic)
Primary Glomerulopathies (Nephrotic)
Secondary Glomerulonephritis
Urinary Casts
6 Lessons
Chapter 88
Organ Systems - Neuroscience: Autonomic Nervous System Organization
Autonomic Nervous System Organization Workbook Review
Autonomic Nervous System Organization
2 Lessons
Chapter 89
Organ Systems - Neuroscience: CNS Disorders
Brain Tumors
Clinical Correlate- Dementia
Clinical Video- Alzheimer_s Dementia
Clinical Video- Fasciculations
Clinical Video- Myoclonus
CNS Disorders Workbook Review
Dementia Disorders
Headache Syndromes
Neurocutaneous Disorders
Seizure Disorders
Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
13 Lessons
Chapter 90
Organ Systems - Neuroscience: Cytology of the Nervous System and Associated Pathologies
Axonal Injury and Regeneration
Axonal Transport
Clinical Correlate- GBS
Clinical Correlate- Multiple Sclerosis
Cytology of the Nervous System and Associated Pathologies Workbook Review
Disorders of Myelination
Glial and Supporting Cells
Nervous Tissue Cells
Tumors of the Glial and Supporting Cells
9 Lessons
Chapter 91
Organ Systems - Neuroscience: Development of the Nervous System and Associated Pathologies
Animation- CNS Development Animation
Central Nervous System Divisions
Development of the Nervous System and Associated Pathologies Workbook Review
Development of the Nervous System
4 Lessons
Chapter 92
Organ Systems - Neuroscience: The Brainstem
Animation- Brain Blood Supply
Auditory System
Auditory Tests
Blood Supply to the Brainstem
Brainstem Lesions
Brainstem Organization
Brainstem Sections
Brainstem Workbook Review
Clinical Video- CN XII Palsy
Clinical Video- Nystagmus
Corticobulbar Tract
Cranial Nerve Nuclei
Cranial Nerves
Ear Auditory and Vestibular System
Hearing Dysfunctions
Horizontal Conjugate Gaze
Reticular Formation
Vestibular Dysfunction
Vestibular System
19 Lessons
Chapter 93
Organ Systems - Neuroscience: The Cerebellum Basal Ganglia and Movement Disorders
Basal Ganglia Lesions
Basal Ganglia
Cerebellar Lesions
Cerebellum Basal Ganglia and Movement Disorders Workbook Review
Clinical Video- Essential Tremor
Clinical Video- Pill-Rolling Tremor
Other Movement Disorders
8 Lessons
Chapter 94
Organ Systems - Neuroscience: The Cerebral Cortex
Cerebral Cortex Anatomy
Cerebral Cortex Blood Supply
Cerebral Cortex Workbook Review
Cerebrovascular Diseases
Clinical Video- Broca_s Aphasia
Clinical Video- Wernicke_s Aphasia
Disconnect Syndromes
Frontal Lobe
Internal Capsule
Limbic System
Occipital Lobe
Olfactory System
Parietal Lobe
Temporal Lobe
14 Lessons
Chapter 95
Organ Systems - Neuroscience: The Diencephalon
Diencephalon Workbook Review
4 Lessons
Chapter 96
Organ Systems - Neuroscience: The Eye and Visual Pathways
Accommodation-Convergence Reaction
Animation- Visual Pathways
Clinical Correlate- Glaucoma
Clinical Video- CN III Palsy
Clinical Video- CN VI Palsy
Diseases of the Eye
Extraocular Muscle Innervation
Eye and Visual Pathways Workbook Review
Eyes- Glaucoma
Eyes- Pharmacology
Pupillary Abnormalities
Pupillary Light Reflex Pathway
Visual Pathways
15 Lessons
Chapter 97
Organ Systems - Neuroscience: The Spinal Cord
Animation- Spinal Cord Lesions
Clinical Video- Babinski sign
Clinical Video- Pronator drift
Dorsal and Ventral Horn
Motor and Sensory Systems
Spinal Cord Lesions
Spinal Cord Morphology
Spinal Cord Organization
Spinal Cord Workbook Review
9 Lessons
Chapter 98
Organ Systems - Neuroscience: The Ventricular System and Associated Pathologies
CSF Distribution Secretion and Circulation
Ventricular System and Associated Pathologies Workbook Review
Ventricular System
4 Lessons
Chapter 99
Organ Systems - Reproductive: Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology of Muscles and Ligaments Workbook Review
Female Reproductive System Anatomy and Physiology
Male Genital Anatomy and Erectile Function
3 Lessons
Chapter 100
Organ Systems - Reproductive: Breast Anatomy and Pathology
Breast Anatomy and Physiology Workbook Review
Breast Anatomy and Physiology
Breast Diseases- Benign Neoplasias
Breast Diseases- Breast Carcinomas
Clinical Correlate- Breast Cancer
Non-cancerous Breast Diseases
6 Lessons
Chapter 101
Organ Systems - Reproductive: Female Tract Pathology I
Cervical Cancer
Female Tract Pathology I Workbook Review
Pathology of the Uterus and Fallopian Tubes
Pathology of the Vulva and Vagina
4 Lessons
Chapter 102
Organ Systems - Reproductive: Female Tract Pathology II
Benign Ovarian Lesions
Female Tract Pathology II Workbook Review
Ovarian Carcinomas I
Ovarian Carcinomas II
Ovarian Carcinomas III
5 Lessons
Chapter 103
Organ Systems - Reproductive: Fertilization and Embryogenesis
Embryonic Period Weeks 1-2
Embryonic Period Weeks 3-8
Fertilization and Ectopic Pregnancy
Fertilization and Embryogenesis Workbook Review
5 Lessons
Chapter 104
Organ Systems - Reproductive: Gametogenesis
Animation- Spermatogenesis
Animation- The Menstrual Cycle
Gametogenesis Workbook Review
Menopause and Anovulation
Menstrual Cycle
7 Lessons
Chapter 105
Organ Systems - Reproductive: Male Tract Pathology
Male Genital Pathology
Male Tract Pathology Workbook Review
Testicular cancer
4 Lessons
Chapter 106
Organ Systems - Reproductive: Normal and Abnormal Development I
Female Genitalia
Genital Organs Associated Disorders
Genital Organs Embryology
Male Genitalia
Normal and Abnormal Developement I Workbook Review
Precocious Puberty
7 Lessons
Chapter 107
Organ Systems - Reproductive: Normal and Abnormal Development II
5 Alpha-reductase deficieny
Congenital adrenal hyperplasias
Delayed Menarche
Delayed puberty categories
Hypergonadotrpic Hypogonadism
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Normal and Abnormal Developement II Workbook Review
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
8 Lessons
Chapter 108
Organ Systems - Reproductive: Pregnancy
Clinical Correlate- Ectopic Pregnancy
Fetal Life Support System
First and Second Trimesters
Pregnancy Basics
Pregnancy Workbook Review
Third Trimester and Pregnancy Complications
8 Lessons
Chapter 109
Organ Systems - Reproductive: Sex Hormone Pharmacology
Estrogen and Progesterone Physiology
Male Sex Hormonal Therapies
Methods of contraception
Other Female Sex Hormonal Therapies
Sex Hormone Pharmacology Workbook Review
5 Lessons
Chapter 110
Organ Systems - Reproductive: Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sexually Transmitted Infections Workbook Review
STDs- Chancroid and Lymphogranuloma venerum
STDs- Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
STDs- Herpes Simplex Virus
STDs- Syphilis
6 Lessons
Chapter 111
Organ Systems - Respiratory: Anatomy and Histology
Anatomy of the Lungs
Anatomy of the Respiratory Tree
Histology of the Respiratory Tree
Introduction to Respiratory Medicine
Muscles of respiration
Respiratory Anatomy and Histology Workbook Review
6 Lessons
Chapter 112
Organ Systems - Respiratory: Fungal Respiratory Infections
Cutaneous Mycosis
Fungal Respiratory Infections Workbook Review
Opportunistic Fungi
Systemic mycosis
5 Lessons
Chapter 113
Organ Systems - Respiratory: Hypoxemia
Clinical Correlate- Cor Pulmonale.flv
Examination of the Lungs
Hypoxemia Workbook Review
Hypoxia and hypoxemia
Response to Exercise
Response to High Altitude
6 Lessons
Chapter 114
Organ Systems - Respiratory: Lung Cancer and Pleural Effusions
Carcinoid Tumors
Large Cell Carcinoma
Lung Cancer and Pleural Effusions Workbook Review
Lung cancer- general characteristics
Lung Cavitary lesions
Pancoast Tumor
Paraneoplastic syndromes
Pleural Effusions
Small cell carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma
12 Lessons
Chapter 115
Organ Systems - Respiratory: Normal Oxygenation
Hemoglobin- structure and function
Normal Oxygenation Workbook Review
Oxygen Content of the Blood
3 Lessons
Chapter 116
Organ Systems - Respiratory: Obstructive Lung Disease
Animation- Asthma
Chronic Bronchitis
Clinical Correlate- Asthma
Clinical Video- Bronchophony
Clinical Video- Egophony
Clinical Video- Rales
Clinical Video- Subcostal Retractions
Clinical Video- Wheezing
Drugs for Asthma
Expectorants and Mucolytics
Introduction to Obstructive lung Disease
Obstructive Lung Disease Workbook Review
Pulmonary Function Testing
17 Lessons
Chapter 117
Organ Systems - Respiratory: Pneumonia and Associated Pathogens
Clinical Video- Pleural Friction Rub
Pneumonia and Associated Pathogens Workbook Review
3 Lessons
Chapter 118
Organ Systems - Respiratory: Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Embolism
Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Embolism Workbook Review
Pulmonary hypertension
Sleep apnea
Treatment of pulmonary hypertension
5 Lessons
Chapter 119
Organ Systems - Respiratory: Respiratory Mechanics and Pulmonary Circulation
Animation- Respiration
Clinical Correlate- Fetal Lung Maturity
Lung Compliance
Lung Volumes
Minute Ventilation
Molecules Produced in the Lung
Perfusion-Limited vs Diffusion-Limited Gas Exchange
Pulmonary Circulation
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
Respiratory Mechanics and Pulmonary Circulation Workbook Review
10 Lessons
Chapter 120
Organ Systems - Respiratory: Restrictive Lung Disease
Drug-induced Lung Disease
Eosinophillic Granuloma
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Idiopathic Plumonary Fibrosis
Introduction to Restrictive lung disease
Pulmonary Renal Syndromes
Respiratory Distress Syndromes
Restrictive Lung Disease Workbook Review
10 Lessons
Chapter 121
Organ Systems - Respiratory: Viral Respiratory Infections
Basics of Viral Genetics
DNA viruses
Respiratory viruses
RNA viruses
Viral infectivity
Viral Respiratory Infections Workbook Review
Viral structure
8 Lessons
Chapter 122
Warm Up Questions: General Principles
13 Lessons
Chapter 123
Warm Up Questions: Organ Systems
15 Lessons