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Comprehensive Review of General Surgery 2019
22. Trauma - Initial Assessment and Resuscitation_ Head Trauma_ Neck Trauma - Comprehensive Review of General Surgery 2019
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Chapter 1
Comprehensive Review of General Surgery 2019: Comprehensive Review of General Surgery 2019
1. Hernia - Inguinal_ Parastomal_ Ventral Umbilical
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2. Abdominal Wall Reconstruction - A Decision Analysis
3. Benign Disorders of the Liver and Bile Ducts
4. Malignant Liver Lesions
5. Benign Disorders of the Pancreas - Chronic Pancreatitis and Necrotizing Pancreatitis
6. Malignant Disorders of the Pancreas
7. Benign and Malignant Diseases of the Esophagus
8. Peptic Ulcer Disease_ Reflux Disease and Paraesophageal Hernias
9. Malignancies of the Stomach and Small Intestine
10. Stomach and Intestinal Motility Disorders
11. Gastrointestinal Bleeding_ Mesenteric Ischemia and Acute Abdomen
12. Short Bowel Syndrome and Intestinal Failure Management
13. Inflammatory Bowel Disease
14. Bariatric Surgery
15. Malignancies of the Colon_ Rectum and Anus
16. Benign Diseases of the Large Intestine_ Anus and Rectum - Diverticular Disease_ Perianal Disease_ Prolapse
17. Benign Breast Disease
18. Breast Cancer
19. Endocrine Surgery - Thyroid_ Parathyroid and Adrenal Lesions
20. Surgical Critical Care
21. Intravenous Fluid Management
22. Trauma - Initial Assessment and Resuscitation_ Head Trauma_ Neck Trauma
23. Trauma - Thoracic Trauma_ Abdominal Trauma_ Extremity Trauma
24. Coronary Artery Bypass and Valvular Disease
25. Cardiovascular Surgery - Diseases of the Ascending and Descending Aorta and Aortic Arch
26. Peripheral Arterial Disease_ Critical Limb Ischemia and Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease
27. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
28. Carotid Endarterectomy
29. Vascular Surgery - Venous Thromboembolic Disease_ Venous Stasis and Dialysis Access
30. Liver Transplantation and Complications
31. Kidney Transplantation and Immunosuppression
32. Thoracic Surgery - Benign and Malignant Lung Disease
33. Pediatric Surgery
34. ENT for the General Surgeon
35. Urology for the General Surgeon
36. Gynecology for the General Surgeon
37. Obstetrics for the General Surgeon
38. Endoscopy
39. Coagulation Disorders_ Novel Anticoagulants and Perioperative Management of Anticoagulation
40. The Spleen
41. Liver Abscess and Liver Failure
42. Preoperative Evaluations and Perioperative Care - Preoperative Risk Stratification and Enhanced Recovery After Surgery
43. Advanced Care Planning for Surgical Patients - When to Involve Palliative or Hospice Care
44. Anesthesia for General Surgery
45. Infectious Disease for the General Surgeon - Antimicrobial Therapy and Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis
46. Biostatistics and Evaluation of Evidence
46 Lessons