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123Sonography Vascular Lower Extremity BachelorClass
2. Sonographer-Patient Communication - 123Sonography Vascular Lower Extremity BachelorClass
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Chapter 1
123Sonography Vascular Lower Extremity BachelorClass: 1. Basic and Advanced Ultrasound Concepts
1. Course Introduction
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2. Ultrasound System - Basic Overview
3. Ultrasound System - Comprehensive Overview
4.0 Transducer Selection
5. Setting Up the Ultrasound Environment
6. Image Orientation
7. Transducer Ergonomics
8. Transducer Manipulation
9. Basic Knobology
10. Image Optimization - B-Mode
11. Image Optimization - Color Doppler
12. Image Optimization - Spectral Doppler
12 Lessons
Chapter 2
123Sonography Vascular Lower Extremity BachelorClass: 2. Clinical Ultrasound Concepts
1. Sonographer-Physician Communication
2. Sonographer-Patient Communication
2 Lessons
Chapter 3
123Sonography Vascular Lower Extremity BachelorClass: 3. Lower Extremity Arterial System
1. Lower Extremity Arterial Anatomy
2. Lower Extremity Arterial Physiology
3. Lower Extremity Arterial Hemodynamics
3 Lessons
Chapter 4
123Sonography Vascular Lower Extremity BachelorClass: 4. Lower Extremity Arterial Pathology
1. Atherosclerosis
2. Aneurysm
3. Fibromuscular Dysplasia
4. Congenital Anomalies
4 Lessons
Chapter 5
123Sonography Vascular Lower Extremity BachelorClass: 5. Lower Extremity Arterial Evaluation - Technical Protocol
1.5 Patient Positioning _ Transducer Selection
2. Proximal Common Femoral Artery
3. Distal Common Femoral Artery
4. Superficial Femoral Artery
5. Popliteal Artery
6. Proximal Tibioperoneal Trunk
7. Distal Tibioperoneal Trunk
8. Calf Anatomy
9. Posterior Tibial Artery
10. Peroneal Artery
11. Anterior Tibial Artery
12. Dorsalis Pedis Artery
13. Calf Arteries
13 Lessons
Chapter 6
123Sonography Vascular Lower Extremity BachelorClass: 6. Lower Extremity Arterial Evaluation - Abnormal Findings
1. Clinical Session - Superficial Femoral Artery
2. Clinical Session - Above Knee Level
3. Clinical Session - Below Knee Level
4. Case Study
5. Clinical Session - Common Femoral to Deep Femoral Arteries
6. Clinical Session - Superficial Femoral Artery
7. Case Study
8. Patient Story
9. Clinical Session - Superficial Femoral Artery
10. Clinical Session - Above Knee Level
11. Clinical Session - Aneurysm Assessment
12. Case Study - Superficial Femoral Artery Stenosis
13. Case Study - Distal Superficial Femoral Artery Occlusion
14. Case Study - Aortoiliac Occlusion
14 Lessons
Chapter 7
123Sonography Vascular Lower Extremity BachelorClass: 7. Lower Extremity Venous System
1. Lower Extremity Venous Anatomy
2. Lower Extremity Venous Physiology
3. Lower Extremity Venous Hemodynamics
3 Lessons
Chapter 8
123Sonography Vascular Lower Extremity BachelorClass: 8. Lower Extremity Venous Pathology
1. Venous Thromboembolism _ Deep Vein Thrombosis
2. Varicose Veins
3. Venous Severity Measurement
3 Lessons
Chapter 9
123Sonography Vascular Lower Extremity BachelorClass: 9. Lower Extremity Venous Patency Evaluation - Technical Protocol
1.9 Patient Positioning _ Transducer Selection
2. Common Femoral Vein
3. Saphenofemoral Junction
4. Femoral Vein
5. Popliteal Vein
6. Intramuscular Veins
7. Posterior Tibial _ Peroneal Veins
8. Anterior Tibial Veins
9. Great Saphenous Vein
10. Small Saphenous Vein
10 Lessons
Chapter 10
123Sonography Vascular Lower Extremity BachelorClass: 10. Lower Extremity Venous Insufficiency Evaluation - Technical Protocol
1. Examination Overview
2.10 Patient Positioning _ Transducer Selection
3. Common Femoral Vein
4. Femoral Vein
5. Popliteal Vein
6. Calf Veins
7. Great Saphenous Veins
8. Small Saphenous Veins
9. Patient Positioning
10. Common Femoral Vein
11. Femoral Vein
12. Popliteal Vein
13. Great Saphenous Vein - Saphenofemoral Junction
14. Great Saphenous Vein - Terminal Valve
15. Great Saphenous Vein - Subterminal Valve
16. Great Saphenous Vein - Proximal Thigh Level
17. Great Saphenous Vein - Distal Thigh Level
18. Great Saphenous Vein - Knee Level
19. Great Saphenous Vein - Below Knee Level
20. Great Saphenous Vein - Proximal Calf Level
21. Great Saphenous Vein - Distal Calf Level
22. Tributaries
23. Anterior Accessory Saphenous Vein
24. Posterior Accessory Saphenous Vein
25. Intersaphenous Connection
26. Small Saphenous Vein - Below Knee Level
27. Small Saphenous Vein - Proximal- Mid Calf Level
28. Small Saphenous Vein - Distal Calf Level
29. Conclusion
29 Lessons
Chapter 11
123Sonography Vascular Lower Extremity BachelorClass: 11. Lower Extremity Venous Evaluation - Abnormal Findings
1. Clinical Session - Venous Patency Evaluation
2. Clinical Session - Common Femoral Vein
3. Clinical Session - Great Saphenous Vein
4. Clinical Session - Tributary _ Perforator
5. Case Study
6. Patient Story
7. Clinical Session - Contralateral Common Femoral Vein
8. Clinical Session - Common Femoral Vein
9. Clinical Session - Femoral Vein
10. Clinical Session - Popliteal Vein
15. Case Study - Massive Deep Vein Thrombosis
11. Clinical Session - Calf Veins
12. Three Case Studies - Saphenous Vein Insufficiency
13. Case Study - The Heart _ the Vascular System
14. Case Study - Deep Vein Thrombosis
15 Lessons
Chapter 12
123Sonography Vascular Lower Extremity BachelorClass: 12. Lower Extremity Functional Testing - Alternative Modalities
1. Ankle-Brachial Index - Examination Overview
2. Ankle-Brachial Index - Cuff Placement
3. Ankle-Brachial Index - Brachial Pressures
4. Ankle-Brachial Index - Ankle Pressures
5. Ankle-Brachial Index - Review of Findings
6. Segmental Examination - Segmental Pressures
7. Segmental Examination - Review of Findings
8. Pulse-Volume Recording
9. Continuous Wave Doppler
10. Toe-Brachial Index
11. Plethysmography Testing
12. Intravascular Ultrasound
12 Lessons